Hi to all- cleaning out garage, ran across an 8 cylinder manifold in useable condition, some original porcelain and some rust pitting. A second one also, in better shape except for fitting to exhaust pipe broken off and missing (maybe destined to junk?). Anyone looking for one, I can sell cheap and deliver to Hershey free. Am finding some other parts, mostly 34-35 stuff. Will get a list together. Fan assembly, some grill and shutter parts, other odds and ends. David Coco Winchester Va. [email protected]
David, I am interested in al useable 1934 eight or twelve cyl. parts. C. Louis Abelove, [email protected]
OK, thanks, will get a list together this weekend and email to you. David
Hi, David,
How are you coming on the list of parts?
Hi- made a list in pencil, and still have to find a few things, it is about #2 or #3 on my priority list for this weekend. thanks David Coco
Have a list now, have emailed it to those who requested it, if you do not recieve or wish to recieve please advise. Also found a few things for 36-37 Cord, brass cars (foot rest, exhaust whistle) Will have anything I don’t sell and then some at Hershey, around CG32-34. thanks David Coco
Hello David,
Please send me a copy of the 34-35 items you have unearthed.
Thanks, Alan