Body off

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    Okay, it wasn’t going to be a body-off restoration, but now it is!

    I have a great incentive to get it back together, it’s now a bit of a Chinese puzzle problem of getting driving cars in and out – not enough space.



    G’day Jim

    Necessity is DEFINATELY the mother of —etc. I am always amazed at the ingenuity it provokes in old car folk!! Well done that man!!—-Jak.


    Thanks, not exactly how the factory handled a body. I am getting more conservative in my old age. When I did the same thing to the Packard in the background 30 years ago I used nothing but single 2×4’s, this time 2×6’s and doubled up 2×4’s.




    The last time I lifted off a body sedan body (some years back I must admit)I put on beer & invited around 8 mates (Aussie for friends). Amazing what they & four 4 by 4’s can achieve! Nowadays I would be doing the hoist thing. 50 years ago I built a pit. Hoists were back then around $50,000 in todays money. Way beyond the pocketbook of a 25 year old. Fire in a pit is always a risk. I had two large powder extinguishers down there. Carbon dioxide extinguishers were the norm back then BUT deadly down a pit. Luckily in all this time I have never had a close call in the pit. It is all down to taking your time & doing what is now called a “Risk analysis”” Cheers

    Jak. Ps. I note the sensitivity to our Aussie Metric system!”


    When I put the Packard (in the background) body back on 30 years ago it was a club event.

    PS, Newcomen and Watt started the industrial revolution using English units, you drive on the wrong side of the road, and WWII was won by SAE and Whitworth threads against the evil metric system. Aren’t you a little ashamed to use those silly Frog units?



    Ah James

    I only have 10 fingers & toes!!

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