Stolen 1933 836 chrome parts

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  • #391306

    I was devastated when I returned from a trip to find that my house had been broken into. I live in the Seattle area. Among the things taken were all the plated pieces for my 1933 836 Sedan. I have owned the fifty thousand mile car since 1977. I repaired the parts and had them plated in about 1980 and they all were in very good to excellent condition. parts included bumpers, headlight rings, auxiliary lights, horns and stanchions, hood center and brackets, hood door chrome pieces, side mount hardware, six re-skinned hub caps, a re-poped archer and radiator cap, an original helmeted archer in good shape but needing plating, and probably more that I can’t remember. It’s sad but I’m too old to start over, please keep a look out. I know it’s a longshot but I still need to try. It’s hard to see a thirty eight year dream come to an end.-Bill Hallett


    Awful news, so sorry to hear….not the kind of stuff that a pawn shop will take, so one would think that it would be advertised or Ebayed….a good friend of mine had his missing Stoddard Dayton stuff (pins, pictures, that kind of stuff) show up on Ebay, and it was recovered, as it had been stolen and sold to a local antique shop….so there’s hope….


    Sorry to hear the news, I might have some of the parts you are missing. I will look. Will need chrome.I know that there was a set of aux lights, less lens on ebay yesterday. I used to etch an initial or symbol when I took stuff to a plater and I have had platers who had their own mark, any chance there?

    I would recommend posting something on every antique, classic Old, Resto mod, etc site here and out of the country.


    Wow. Very sorry to hear about your break in.

    I sincerely hope you recover your stuff and the thieves are put away for a long time.

    Hopefully your parts are recovered and your dream of seeing your car all back in one piece come to fruition.


    I’m very sorry to hear of the theft of those parts. May I respectfully suggest that you….

    1. Post your local law enforcement agency name and phone number here, along with their case number

    2. Monitor eBay with a standing search

    Best wishes for recovery–and prosecution


    Hi Bill,

    So sorry to hear of your misfortune. We haven’t talked for a long time. If it’s any help, I had some hood door spears cast, and can supply them (unplated) at my cost. I will look for other extras.

    Do the police report thing, and I hope you get the parts back.



    I understand from another forum that the parts have been located, still on the property…..

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