Wiper Arms

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    I came across a pair of wiper arms in a pile of ’35 stuff. Can anyone tell me if these are correct for a ’33 or other years?

    I was thinking about having them made if they are correct.


    Photo didn’t post


    Photo 2




    Here’s an original 34 wiper arm I’m pretty sure that the ’33s are the same.



    Hi Bill, are you bringing that ‘hot rod’ to St Louis?

    Would love to see it—and you and Wilma too!



    Thank you. Is the arm held on with a Nut? It is hard to tell from the photo.



    John: Yes, we’re driving both cars. Gary Schlimgen will be driving the ’34.

    Bill: The arm is attached with a spring clip that on the underside of the arm. There is no nut.



    Looking forward to it Bill.


    Hi,it looks just like the only wiper arm on my 1935 Pierce.all the best from Jack.


    Bill, the arm is the same as my ’35 845. It was attached with a chrome or SS nut. The picture is from my ’35 Pierce. The same arm was used on senior Packards and I imagine was a standard Trico part. Irv Blonder reproduced these years ago and one pair is on my Packard (another still awaits my Pierce). Before investing the time to have them reproduced you might check with Dave Murray or vendors for other marques.



    Jack, James and Bill,

    Thanks for the input. Jim, you make a good point, no need to reinvent the wheel.

    Have a great Memorial Day, to the state siders and Jack, your care package will be on the way soon.


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