Painting hubcaps

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    I am looking for some tribal knowledge on how to paint the hubcaps on my ’33 836. Any guidance would be welcome.



    Color and techniques would be appreciated.


    One-Shot paint, a fine (both small and quality) brush, and patience.

    Black background behind Pierce name and arrow. Red head and tail of arrow. Black circular stripes. I believe that is correct for 1933.


    When painting into recessed areas like grooves and raised letters, sometimes it can be done by shooting with airbrush or spray, then carefully polish off the paint from the high spots with a flat block and compound. This can also be done by brush and polishing out the goofs from the high areas, which is how I usually end up doing it.

    Ideally one has the skills to do it by hand with no goofs, but I don’t.



    I did my caps by hand as mentioned above (minus the black rings, which I don’t think is correct on a ’31). Since it’s chrome, it’s easy to have a rag handy and wipe off paint from a high spot, if it overlaps. That’s another beauty of the One-Shot, it takes a long time to dry, so easy to fix mistakes. I’ve seen a pinstriper use it, and wipe it off a couple of times before being happy with applied stripe.

    Some people will say that you need to etch the chrome, or use etching paint first, but as long as the chrome is clean (no wax) then the One-Shot adheres well, and I’ve seen no evidence of it letting go.


    Thanks Dave and Jim,

    I was afraid it was going to some down to something like skill.



    I use nail polish on the red. I have also used it to touch up bad spots on the black last minute at shows.


    Great mental picture of you, Ed, going into a store to purchase black and red nail polish.

    Bill, it only takes great skill if you try to do it while hubcap is on car and car is moving, then it’s a little tricky…..


    Ed, thanks, that is a good tip. Thank you.

    Dave, while not as helpful, you can also learn to break dance trying to take the caps off a moving car.


    I got all da moves……..😜


    David, they only look funnel at me in CVS when I’m wearing my Victoria’s Scret outfits. The high heels are killing me!

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