1930 Model B Limo

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    Can anyone tell me if there is an interior door lock knob on the front door passenger side? The door has an exterior keyed door lock but both no interior. Just wondering if it has one before I put it back together. Thanks



    On my ’29 you lock the door from the inside by turning the handle in the opposite direction that you use to open the door.

    It will only turn a little and then stop.

    The door is then locked from the outside.

    My ’29 has no internal door locking knobs, all handles just turn the opposite way to lock the doors.

    Not sure how practical it was to be able to completely lock all doors once you leave the car.

    Each door must be locked by turning the handle and then you would exit the front passenger side and then lock that door from the outside.


    my 30 model b sedan has button locks an all doors except pass. front


    On my 30 Mod B there is no inside lock on the rt frt door and in the original door panel there is no opening that would have given access to any mechanism. Jim


    Thanks Craig, Bill and Jim, this makes sense and very helpful.

    Jim I hope your project is going well. I’m in the chrome prep phase on mine and have a whole new appreciation for the effort it takes to get pits and scratches out.

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