After reading about problems with engine puller type hoists and having had the experience of trying to remove and replace a body, lift a power brake gearbox and the 8 cylinder engine with them, (with near fatal results and a torn biceps tendon) I have decided to get a gantry crane that I can wheel around.
I got a quote of around $1500, less freight for a 1 ton gantry with a manual 1 ton chain hoist with a push trolley, made in the USA. Weighs 350#.
My question is I spec’d it out at 7′ wide (8’4″ overall) & 7′ high (7’6″ overall). Does that seem to be enough, I can go taller.
I don’t have room for a 2 of 4 post lift. Do I need to go wider? Is 1 ton enough?
Any other suggestions? Comments? I seek guidance from our Sages.
Bill, how far below the crane’s horizontal cross beam will the chain hoist be? how high can the hoist pull up it’s chain-hook? Usually you will loose about 18″-24″” from the cross beam..
I’ll go measure the height of my 836’s roof.. I’m not sure that you have high enough of a crane..
Greg, Good point, I think these cars are 6′ at least. But, since I will be picking up the body probably from under the sills, thru the top area, the hoist will drop into the body. But now that you point that out I would either have to take the wheels off and lower the frame to jack stands or raise the top bar. I am rethinking to 9′