Hello all. My partner and I went to the Gilmore car museum for my birthday this past Monday the 26th and when we went in and I showed my membership card to them they said that I was able to get in free but, my partner would have to pay to get in!??? I told the lady that I have been a member for some years and have always been able to have the two of us get in for free! She tells me to contact my car membership group and let them know that things have changed! So if you have a card and only one name is on that card , that is the only get in free person ! NOT HAPPY! Kevin Miller from Columbus Ohio.
I wish you had called me immediately. The back of your Membership card clear;y states that TWO admissions are covered by your basic P-A Museum Membership. ” Member and Spouse/Partner or Guest”. I will address this issue with both the Gilmore Director and thr Gilmore Foundation Board of Directors. One way or another you will be reimbursed. This is a clear violation of our contarct with the Gilmore Car Museum that has been in effect for over 20 years. To say that I am unhappy about your experience is a huge understatement. I’m incensed!
My sincere apolgy for your difficulty.
Dave Stevens Pierce-Arrow Museum Director
If anyone ever has a similar problem at Gilmore please call me. My cell number is on your Membership card: 231-740-3610
Hey Dave, It was a stand off that we had with the ladies at the counter and us! I told them that it has always been that I was able to have me and a guest with my membership! She replied that things have changed and for me to contact the group that I have a membership with. They let us in but for future reference they claim only the name on the card is to get in for free!!! That is what she told me to forward to the head of the group! Not Happy with her! So there was no money this time out of my pocket!
Thanks Dave for fighting the good fight, probably every damn day!