Gemmer 21500 Sector Shaft

Home Page Forums Buy/Sell Gemmer 21500 Sector Shaft

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  • #479451

    Wanted to get our Pierce on the road. We need a sector shaft for the 21500 Gemmer for our 1930 Pierce.  I am so grateful for Mr. Cislak helping Pierce folks with their steering boxes, however I can’t afford a whole set up right now.  Any help appreciated. Thanks so much!!!!  360-961-170six




    It looks like you have the same problem I found in my 1930 20 years ago. The white metal races on the sides of the tooth fail and suddenly you have 180 degrees of play in the steering wheel. I found a bearing and ground hardened washers to replace the original ones. I sell this kit that includes two bearings, bushings and thrust washers to replace the original white metal ones. You grind off the weld on the bolt then remove. replace the bearings using the original tooth. Re-install the bolt and weld a flat back in place. Re-install in your box, adjust the box, back on the road. call me for the details.




    Thank you Karl, We are excited to give your kit a shot. I appreciate so many members of this great community.  The Fullers


    Thanks to EVERYONE in the Pierce Arrow Society.  Special Thanks to Karl and John Cislak for their time and energy in our hobby=)


    Thank you Pierce friends. Sterring colum is back in.  Thank you thank you all. Great people on here!!

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