1934 385 ci Engine

1934 385 ci Engine

 For Sale Parts / by John E. Cislak


1934 385 cubic inch Engine Running.  this engine came from a 1934 parts car it has been test run (video available) compression test shows all cylinders equal, good oil pressure is about 30psi at idle, seems to run well.   Sold as a long block with flywheel, cylinder head, oil cooler, waterjacket water pump, oil filler, oil lines, and filter brackets and intake & exhaust manifold.

  • Listing ID: 480110
Contact details
Cislak, John E.
33 Briggs ST
Indian Orchard, MA 01151-2105
United States
Home Phone: 413/543-9017
Office Phone: 413/543-9017
Email: [email protected]