Reply To: Hints needed to verify identity of a 1936-37-38 chassis

Home Page Forums Chassis Hints needed to verify identity of a 1936-37-38 chassis Reply To: Hints needed to verify identity of a 1936-37-38 chassis


Hi Alan, I don’t have easy access to an eight chassis, but I have two twelve chassis sitting out in the open so I will compare the photos you posted to them. As far as the unlimited distribution of information on the differences from an eight to a twelve, here is a current example. Currently on Pre War Car there are 2 1936 Pierce Arrows for sale. A Limo with an eight and a Coupe advertised as a twelve with an engine missing. While I have never seen the cars I know several members who have, and they clearly identify the coupe as an eight. Basically the two cars combined could make one, correct eight coupe. Now, how would any non knowledgeable person feel if he purchased the cars as advertised? A bad Pierce Arrow experience for any old car hobbyist weather or not he is a current PAS member is bad for all the members of the club, and the hobby as a whole. As an owner and fan of the V-12 cars, advertisements and promotions of cars that are not correct cast suspicion on all authentic twelve cars. This is why I prefer to keep the information quiet and on as need to know basis. Ed