Reply To: Looking for 27″ Johnson Rim”

Home Page Forums General Looking for 27″ Johnson Rim” Reply To: Looking for 27″ Johnson Rim”


They’re as hard to find as an honest politician(P.A.Society members

excluded).Try to find somebody to manufacture one for you.Coker has

somebody making new rims.I will try to find more sources.Meanwhile secure a good line of credit.They may have to be machined out of a solid

billet.There was a guy in So. Cal making the best wheels at $15K to $25K

for 5 wheels 8 to 10 years ago.I think he’s retired.

My ’12 is an early one.It has non-demountable rims.I believe it has

Marsh rims and they have been on the car since new.I would like to know

more about P.A.’s use of rims in the early days.
