1916 Pierce-Arrow 66 at Evans Garage in San Diego

Home Page Forums General 1916 Pierce-Arrow 66 at Evans Garage in San Diego

  • This topic has 14 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by .
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  • #392571

    Mike and I just got back from a tour of Evans Garage in San Diego with the San Diego/Palm Springs region of the CCCA. It is an amazing place. Bill Evans has a gorgeous 1916 Pierce Arrow 66 on display. I will attach several photos.















    Thanks for sharing Pat!


    Mike…may I borrow a couple these photos to post on the Pierce-Arrow Museum page on Facebook?…


    Hi Curtiss,

    I emailed you all of the Pierce Photos I took, the ones I posted here plus some additional ones.



    If you ever have the opportunity, the Evans Garage is certainly a nice, private place to visit!



    What does one have to do to arrange a visit?



    When Paul posted how to size photos for uploading to our website years ago (2014), I saved the information. I have assisted a few others with posting their photos.

    I think within the past few months someone said they were writing up a ‘presentation’ of how to post and possibly presenting at the next national meet.



    This issue should be resolved with automatic re-sizing with our website updates.



    Does anyone know how we can arrange a visit? I’d like to see if we can get the Southern CA Region of the PAS in there for one of our regional tours. If you know whom to contact, please email me! [email protected]

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