1927 Series 80 Chassis Splash Shields

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    Hi, everyone. I know from two sets of judging sheets that some splash shields are missing underneath my Car, but I have no idea what is missing nor what to look for. It has the shields on either side of the engine. What do you think could be missing? I thought I might look at Hershey.



    Do you have a splash pan under the Fan?

    It attaches to the front of the side splash pans.

    There is also a small splash pan that fits on the engine side splash pan.

    It fits around the exhaust downpipes (well, sort of fits if the down pipe is properly bent).

    It this that about covers it, however if I am wrong, some else will chime in.



    Thanks, Peter, I will look closely this evening.



    Are you missing splash shields between running board and Body?


    Randy & Jim,

    I’ll take photos of the front smash pan(s) sometime soon and post them on this thread.

    They are a BEAR to mount and require that the side splash pans are not tightly bolted in place for the front pan(s) to fit.

    After being attached, all tightens up well.

    I forget if the front pan is a one or two piece arrangement.



    I think I am missing the pan underneath the fan. I have the large filler panels between the running boards and body, if that is the ones Jim is asking about.

    Thanks, Peter!

    The parts list reprint I have does not show all the splash pans clearly.



    I went to my Series 80 last evening with the intent of photographing the pan, BUT I soon realized that I need to lift the car in order to attempt to take a photo.

    I will do so in the next few days and post the photo.

    The center pan is a very complicated piece.

    It is ONE piece with a series of obtuse angled folds.

    Replicating it will require the skills of a very good sheet metal craftsman.

    I will see what I can do to get you a photo soon.




    BTW, do you have the print version of the Series 80 Parts Catalog?

    If not, you should buy one as they are invaluable.



    I do have the print version; not everything is there though.


    Randy: I’ll bring one of the front splash pans to Hershey for you. Glad to hear you are coming north for the week.

    Greg Long


    Thanks, Greg!



    i guess that no photo is required thanks to Greg.



    Save your back Peter ! Getting a decent image of that creased pan when tucked up under the radiator, jammed between the frame rails and agains the front of the engine, it’s difficult when a car is on a hoist.. certainly a real challenge on your back under a car on jack stands..

    And all that black paint, shows little if any contrast, so the images just don’t show much..


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