PASB 84-4 offers the attached sectional view of the outer running board trim for 1933 Models 836 and 1236. Can someone please confirm the correctness of this profile?
While there are reasonable approximations of this trim available in the form of half round and low crown half oval shapes, they lack the characteristic flat area between the radiused corners.
Do any of my fellow members have some correct takeoffs matching this attached profile that they can sell me even if less than perfect?
I would need 52 3/4″ per side.
Thank you,
Joe Malone
There are four sources for running board trim in the Parts and Services Directory.
Thank you. Yes, the Parts and Services Directory is a wealth of information and was the starting point for my search when it began weeks ago.Unfortunately, verbally contacting two of the three sources listed produced no match for this flat sided 1933 trim. ( L&L is listed twice and not responding to repeated e mails or phone calls nor do they list a ’33 outer running board trim on their website)
Perhaps you would comment on the correctness of the profile above. Is it correct?
Thank you,
If all else fails you can look on page 28 of the Restoration Supply catalogue, They have a 1/2 round brass (steel also) that is .75″ wide by .38″ high. Your drawing is .75″ X .28″. You could have .10″ milled off the top and radius the edges, drill and tap the back and have it plated. I had to do that with a Morgan Drophead Coupe side trim.
Now that doesn’t answer the correctness question.
Try Max Merritt Auto, Franklin, In.
Phone (317) 736-6233
They will cut, what you need from stock, and even finish the ends.
Good Luck!
Thank you Bill and Peggy Lyons and Bob Sands.
1) I am familiar with the half round from Restoration Supply and the modification of an existing shape is an option- if this profile in 84-4 is the correct shape. I’ve come across some interesting possibilities at especially looking at their low crown moldings. They are fairly proud of them however and they are not an exact match.
2) I spoke with Max Merritt and all of their profiles are half round, i.e., there is no characteristic flat back IF, in fact, the flat back is correct for ’33.
Again, if someone can confirm or deny the accuracy of this profile, then we would be a step closer to resolving this question.
Thank you again,