1938 P-A at auction Broad Arrow auctions

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    Anyone seen the Broad Arrow auction site re the 1938 P-A 8 cylinder convertible for auction?  The copy reads  18 eights & 22 twelves were produced for 1938, I thought the generally accepted total was 17-18 total.  Any ideas to the source of the information on the auction site?  I haves emailed, but no reply yet.  I realize this is not a major issue, but again was curious as to the source.  Guess I am just overly curious.


    Bernie Weis recorded Eighteen 1938 cars. Six 8cyl and ten 12 cyl. and I guess two unknown. He estimated 33+ were made based on existing serial numbers and body numbers. He had information on 15 extant.  It’s anybody’s guess where the auction company got their numbers. Please post any further information you find.

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