Anyone with suggestions on getting an axle from the West Coast?

Home Page Forums General Anyone with suggestions on getting an axle from the West Coast?

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    I am trying to get an axle from the San Francisco area to Nashville or Atlanta. Does anyone know of anyone heading that way with truck or trailer space?

    Thanks in advance.



    Or Winchester, VA/ DC area. Sorry, I forgot to add those locations


    I may be out that way in April. I can get it back to Mass. I often go to Florida in Jan and Feb. If your not in a hurry……… Ed



    That would work for me. I have a few issues to overcome before I need an axle. Let me know how things develop. Thanks for your offer.



    Hi Bill, I assume you mean either an entire front axle, or an entire rear axle/differential housing ?

    Just an axle shaft can be put in a heavy cardboard tube, like a carpet roll’s inside tube, then wood plugs inserted in each end, glued and then taped as well. I’ve shipped several axle shafts this way,

    If you mean a whole front or rear axle, you need it to be strapped onto a pallet and shipped via a trucking company, or a good samaritan PAS member.

    Greg Long


    I haven’t tried it, but there’s a lot of discussion on other forums about using Fastenal to ship items long distances. You bring item to their store, they ship warehouse to warehouse. If you go to their website, it’s under “3PL”, for Third Party Logistics. The forums have discussed shipping such items as axles for a couple hundred dollars across country.


    Greg and David,

    I am trying to get a complete rear end, backing plate to backing plate (no plates though) shipped. I guess we could take the axle trumpets off, ship the center and then ship the axles, a la Greg’s suggestion.

    David, in case you were wondering, I am not shipping to your house, but my mother’s. I haven’t heard of the Fastenal method, which makes sense. My wife is involved with industrial shipments, I will check to see if she knows anything about it.

    Thanks to both of you.


    I have a ’37 Buick Business Coupe and was given a shelf unit/spare tire holder that was installed in the area behind the driver’s seat. It weighs about 50 pounds and measures 58″ X 28″” X 10″”.

    I live in PA and the shelf was originally in Washington state. I am using Fastenal to ship it and my charge was $100. It has been on the road for a week and hasn’t arrived yet but I am not in a rush.

    To me it seemed like Fastenal used dimensions to calculate freight charge – not weight.

    The shipper has to drop the unit off at their local Fastenal and I will pick it up at my local store.



    That is great info. Thank you. Do you know if they had to do any packaging?



    The only thing they said about packaging was that if it wasn’t crated then insurance claims would be void.



    Thanks for all your help. I was quoted $150 from San Jose, which is about 25 miles from Bob, to 1 block from my wife’s work.

    For heavy not easily damaged stuff, this sounds like the ticket. You have to drop off and pickup at their store.

    Thanks again.


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