CCCA CARavan video 1957

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    Here’s a video on YouTube of the CCCA CARavan – West Nyack, New York to Milwaukee, Wis., from August, 1957 which ought to warm-up this cold winter day.

    You’ll see 3 Pierce’s on this tour. And more than half of the cars are that other “P” car, the one from Detroit. Also in the video are several Auburns, Cords, Duesenbergs, Lincolns, Cadillacs, plus one Franklin and a Rolls-Royce.

    The current owner of the ’37 Packard Town Car shown in the video forwarded this link to me. The lady driving this same car was the wife of the man who filmed the tour.


    Stu Blair

    Cincinnati, Ohio


    Stu, I didn’t know there were any other cars that started with “p””. :-)

    Why would anyone want one? Ed”


    A very nice video.

    I wonder how many of these cars are still on the road today?

    If people like the ones in this video didn’t have an appreciation for what was then just an old car, we wouldn’t have our cars to enjoy today.


    In looking at the video,several of the cars looked familiar having seen them in photos in recent publications.In 1957,these classics were already getting pricey especially open cars.The prices may seem cheap today but then they were high in many cases.I have Horseless Carriage Club of America “Gazettes”” from 1957 and one could have bought a new car for many prices quoted.”

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