Correct Archer for 1930 Model B?

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    Thought I’d share a couple of photos from the Motoring Mascots of the World book by William C. Williams…

    My errand is determining which of these archers would have been perched on the radiator of my Model B. Judging by the chassis number (2502917), this Pierce could have been a mid-to-late 1930. I’ve seen both the archer with and without the helmet on a variety of 1930 cars. Dare I ask which one is correct?! Would the choice be similar to what Pierce did for carryovers of model years (i.e. a 1930 build for 1931)?

    Thanks for your help!


    Hi Carl,

    If you do a search in the technical search tool, you will get a lot of articles about the archers (there was none for 1930).  Enter “Archer” in the “Title” box.

    There is a short article in PASB 1999-3, page 8 on 1930.

    There also is information on the Bareheaded Archer in Arrow 1967-1. If you want it, I may be able to e-mail you a digital copy.



    Appreciate the insights you’ve offered, Dave. I’m interested in the 1967-1 article if it isn’t too much trouble for you to forward it along by email.



    The Archer for your 1930 Pierce is a helmeted archer. There are two different Helmeted Archers. 1929 has a plain base, the 1930 that you need has a grass covered base. The 1931 archer is the first no helmet archer. If your car is a driver there are repros available from two venders. Originals are getting very pricy.  Karl


    Thanks for your expertise, Karl. I’ll continue my search for the helmeted archer and the grass base.

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