Correct color paint for engine block.

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    I don’t know about the gray, but I distinctly remember Otto Klausemeyer writing that the correct color for ’29 was black, and the majority of the ’29’s that I have seen were black. Having said that, you might check with some of the guys who judge as there may have been more than one color used in production and I’m sure that the factory would paint the engine any color the client might want.

    Best regards,

    Ed Johnson

    Vero Beach


    A color ad of 1929/30 from the factory shows the engine as follows: Head – black, pan – gray lead coated,Block- medium blue, transmission – cream yellow. Valve covers – chrome, water defuser – chrome, intake and exhuast manifolds – black. Horn – black, fan – natural aluminum, ignition tube and ‘fan’ – chrome. Most people think that this was only for ad purposes, but I’ve painted mine this way. I’ve yet to be judged by a PA.


    Hi Darryl:

    I understand that most blocks in ’29 were black, by my car was painted a kind of olive color. I don’t believe that the engine was repainted. I recall seeing this color mentioned in an old PA publication, so that is what I used in my rebuild.

    Good luck



    I own a very low mileage 1929 Pierce Arrow Roadster and the block in my car is a sort of grayish-olive color with the head being black.The engine accessories are all plated.



    The 1975-4 issue of the Pierce-Arrow Service Bulletin was devoted exclusively to paint colors and formulae. It has some information about engine colors. Among other things it says that some 1929-32 engine blocks were delivered with dark gray blocks, and some with dark green. I expect that Bill Scorah’s and Greg Hotson’s engines sport the original colors, as they suggest. I doubt is the blue block in the ad mentioned by Bill Rolapp was ever a production color.

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