Hi everybody! We could use some help for the museum!
We are competing for part of a $30,000 non-profit grant sponsored by Conquest Graphics who does all our wonderful color printing for both the PAS and Foundation. It is paid out to the top-tier vote winners, so the favor of your vote is requested!
Please take a minute to “vote”” at this link shown in blue below:
(At the bottom right of the page you’ll see the “”VOTE”” via Conquest Graphics – photo attached).
Any help or sharing with friends that leads to more votes is appreciated!
Help us keep the Pierce-Arrow legacy alive and well at Gilmore!
Thank you Liz for entering our Pierce-Arrow Museum Foundation in this grant award competition.
Question for the benefit of all: Can a person vote more than once per IP address?
If so, one vote per day, per week?
Vote early and often…thanks again!
I tried to vote by clicking the link but I can’t seem to find where to vote.
Or does simply clicking the link mean you vote for the Pierce Arrow Museum?
Craig – the link takes you to the Museum’s contact page, the click on the “VOTE”” icon is the vote. It will take you to the Conquest Graphics non-profit page. That is all you need to do.
Stu – I’m checking on the votes per day. But my guess is yes to different IP addresses and 1 vote per day.
I believe in the first Mayor Daley of Chicago method of voting: vote early and vote often!
If it is one vote per IP address that is easy for me.
Fire up the VPN and choose one of almost 60 different locations worldwide to pop onto the internet through.
In this case, I would totally subscribe to Mayor Daley’s rules! And don’t forget you can vote via cell phone too!
Then you’ll get to see how nicely the http://www.Pierce-ArrowMuseum.org website works on your mobile device!
Noodle around the site and you’ll find the vote button on the same contact page address above. Thanks everybody! Let’s make Mayor Daley proud! LOL!
Just checked out the museum webpage on my phone. It looks great, was easy to navigate, and yes I voted again!
Thanks so much for this!