Hershey PAS Tent & spaces

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    I’ve been going to Hershey every October since 1978. Hershey is a place to buy parts, perhaps sell some and a place to renew friendships. The annual pilgrimage always jump starts my enthusiasm for the hobby. Since the mid-80’s a stop at the PAS club area has been a large part of the event for me. During the restoration of my 31 PA it was my first and most expensive stop, but it was always a required stop. The PAS tent and adjoining spaces bring a dispersed group of attendees to a common location. Dave Stevens is unhappy with the location in the red field and wants to move near the route 39 bridge from the chocolate field to the green field. The northern part of the chocolate field does have several active PAS vendors and I can understand Dave’s desires. However, I think this move will be polarizing unless we can get a large number of spaces (at least 16 adjoining) to accommodate all the people presently around the red field PAS tent. John Cislak, in the PAS tent, for example sells more PA parts than everyone else combined. If this move is to be made, it should be considered by the PAS board and a plan should be put in place to try to get a consolidated area. Karl Krouch, since he is a member of the Hershey region, should be part of that discussion.



    How about forwarding this piece to Rich Lange so that he can put it on the Agenda for the Winter Board Meeting?



    Well, if I were smart I would stay quiet, but no one has ever accused me of the former. My two cents, along with that of John Cislak. I have spoken with Dave about this and he knows my position. So, I shal lay it out for you.

    First off, it’s impossible to get a group of 16 spaces in one row or location in the other fields, never mind one on an end cap or major intersection or road. Thus, the club/foundation and member spots could never be together again. I understand Dave’s reasoning on why he wants to make the move. He has worked very hard for both of our orginazations, and I am greatful to him for all his help and friendship he has offered me over the years. Over the last ten years or so, John Cislak and I have shared tent space with the museum/foundation, and more often than not provided a car for display in the tent, which has benefited all of us.

    A few years ago, I sold ALL my extra parts and goodies to John, and now only help him at the shop and Hershey, I no longer buy and sell parts for any reason unless I need them for my cars. The location on the field has always been his, with me along for the ride in some sort fashion.

    Neither John nor I wish to move for the following reasons.

    I We have very good truck and trailer access where we currently are, easy in, easy out. Very difficult to find.

    We are very close to flush toilets, which is priceless to any and all of us.

    No long lines entering or leaving each day, other fields can be a traffic nightmare.

    Close to chocolate world, so most visitors make it over near us every year. Spaces are on the end of a row on a main road.

    Adjacent to us are the worlds largest T guys, so lots of early car people come by.

    Classic & Exiotic is on the same row, lots of multi make CCCA parts for sale there.

    Years of customers knowing our location, consistency is important.

    Gentle slope, no flooding from heavy rains like on a flat spot.

    Good neighbors, very important, helps with security at our tent at night.

    Last, and most important, sharing the tent with the PAS/Foundation, keeps costs lower, and most every Pierce owner on the field stops by and looks at our wares.

    Finally, if the PAS/Foundation tent moves, John and I have decided not to “do Hershey” anymore. We will attend, we will still deliver parts, and still try and keep two spaces with the rest of the gang, but we will no longer “put on the spread” for a bunch of reasons, most on them economic. Having the gang watching our stuff is priceless to us, and we could never get that any where else on the field. There probably another dozen reason we like things the way they are, but they art coming to mind right now.

    Whatever happens, I will still look forward to Hershey, but if “all the gang” gets separated, it just won’t be the same. Happy New Year to all, Ed Minnie

    As of today, we expect to be in the same spot as we have been, with a large and clean display as we have had in the past. We are proud of the reproduction parts & used parts we have sold over the years keeping Pierce cars on the road. And we are equally proud to have the association of the club &a foundation over the years knowing that in some little way we are advancing our hobby.


    I think this subject should be tabled here and added to the Winter agenda as Peter suggests. It is an important topic and the tent Dave oversees represents our club, thus the board should review and offer direction.

    It’s understood that economics, traditions and long standing red field reservations are in play-we need to review all pros and cons before action is taken.

    If people have opinions on the matter, I suggest they be shared with Rich Lange, who will be the ultimate arbitrator.


    Hi all!

    Let me first remind you, there was NO Pierce-Arrow Tent until I restarted it again over a decade ago. The tradition of Fred Tycher and Howard Ehmann had died and nobody else had picked up the torch to promote PAS.

    I only want to do what is best for the Pierce-Arrow Society, Museum and membership. So long as I am willing to do setting up, taking down and managing our presence that will continue to be my goal.

    I have reserved the same tent for the same spot for 2017, but am planning and hoping to move to a central location near the overpass bridge as soon as feasible. Hopefully that can be in 2018, but we first need at least 3 good spaces that offer central location and good public visibility.

    Looking for 16 spaces together isn’t enough. We already have other members spread out in every possible different direction. Together would require at least 30 now, but probably none of us will live long enough to see that happen. Going forward, if we can’t ‘be together’ we’ll have to focus on ‘working together’ better.

    What was a wonderful prime spot in the Red field near the Stadium for many years is now at the extreme end of a very linear layout. We’re talking MILES folks! P-A addicts will always make the trek to buy parts, but the rest of the crowds make it to us less every year. We need to sell the Pierce-Arrow Society to people who are not yet members. That requires being seen.

    Change is being forced upon all of us, including me, despite our greatest desires to the contrary. Success is determined by how we handle those changes. I suggest you think about that old adage: Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way. I plan to lead, which has worked out pretty well so far.

    I’ll be in Tucson if someone has better ideas to contribute to improving this frustrating situation.

    Happy New Year to Everyone!

    Dave Stevens


    I have been a member of the Pierce-Arrow Society for 52 years. I am a past treasurer and president of the society. I have co-chaired at least 4 meets (I don’t remember as well as I use to):the two big Buffalo meets, Glens Falls, Hershey, and maybe more. Many years ago, Fred Tycher removed Howard from handling the Hershey meet spaces, after they were not renewed one year. As Fred often did, he assigned me the job, and I have been doing it ever since. All the spots are in my name. No big deal, pay for the spots, chase the money, send stickers out registered mail. As people die,someone else has always wanted the spots. I don’t know if I have maintained Howard and Fred’s tradition, I know there was a little tent at one time, and sometimes no membership applications were available. When David advised me he wanted to move the Museum and Club tent closer to the stadium, the reasons he gave me was he could not fill the schedules to watch the tent, and “everyone” said we were too far from where everything was happening. Many of us believe that Pierce parts buyers, and Pierce lovers have found us. Moreover, if he had told me about staffing problems, I would have found people to fill those spots. Don’t get me wrong. David has done wonderful things for the club, and the museum. I was just annoyed that he did not consult with the major players on our spot, i.e. Minni and Ciselak. If the club leaves our area, they cannot afford an $1100 tent, by themselves. Moreover the location is perfect for their loading and unloading of many and numerous parts. I really don’t have any Pierce parts to sell. I now go for the comradery and gathering that has gone on for many years. I ask the board to intercede and to help come up with a solution. Perhaps an effort to work with the Hershey Region, to come up with a place for 12 spaces. Maybe over a five year period they could do this. In an event, a decision such as this should not be made by one person, arbitrarily. I don’t know if I can come to Phoenix. I had two significant surgeries this summer, and I don’t know if I will be able to make such a long trip. In the meantime, Happy New Year.



    Happy New Year!





    Hopefully (?), everything works out.

    I do have a suggestion, for a replacement, once the “MUSEUM” people move on. I believe, a more dependable person, with more stature. We’ll talk!


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