Hershey Pierce-Arrow memorabilia and literature

Home Page Forums Buy/Sell Hershey Pierce-Arrow memorabilia and literature

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    I am clearing out my collection of memorabilia and literature and will have a good bit of it at Hershey, GBF-32/33 next to light pole 110 (just down from Hyman village).  Very few if any car parts, but some interesting stuff.  I do have numerous Pierce tagged jacks, including huge truck ones, but will only bring if someone requests same prior to meet.  Will be on site Tuesday through Thursday, please come and visit!  thanks David Coco 540-533-2885 [email protected]


    Thanks to all who came by to visit, and thanks for all the purchases too!  Still have some literature and memorabilia left, will work on organizing it for sale.  Happy Motoring!

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