I metallic paint on “Original 25′”””

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    Yes, I agree with Bob….I spent part of this morning looking at fabric samples with a friend, for an early 30’s Chrysler Victoria, matching against the paint. Rainy day, so we did it inside, after choosing some samples I looked up and saw the fluorescent curly light bulbs in his shop.

    I turned to him and said we’d have to finish on another, sunny, day, and outside! In the sun is your best bet for looking at colors..

    Wish I could find the picture, there was a Packard roadster that belonged to a well known collector in Florida (he died in a car wreck), that was painted with brownish fenders and a body the color of the reddish tiles you see on roofs…I think I have it right, maybe it was other way around, but the car was stunning….I think Harrah had one in his collection done the same way…I need to go back and try to find a picture or two…


    Tony is correct about the fish scales. Several years ago I had a Cadillac with firemist paint. I had it refinished. The result was a “two tone”” paint job. The painter found out that the metallic was different between the gallon cans of paint. In redoing the car all of the new paint was mixed together in a large tub to assure that the metallic was mixed evenly. The second paint job was just fine. A word to the wise.”


    Talking a little more about the chocolate brown, the car I’m thinking of was owned by the late Rick Carroll at one time, and not sure the attached is the same car, but similar. Just think it’s an interesting color, sporty and sedate at the same time. I still remember his car as being brighter for some reason…


    Many of us have been fascinated with the restoration of Rick’s phaeton and we want to see it restored looking magnificent. Tony understands what it takes to be “understated, elegant and athletic” and in reference to his comments note two of his finest proteges.

    Here is #1.


    Here is #2 which you can hopefully enlarge.


    All those cars are awesome. Thanks for the pics and advice. :)


    I have a White(Sewing Machine Co.)dual cowl phaeton(the first

    American production vehicle of this body type). It is painted

    baby puke brown(fenders) and slime yellow. It never fails to seize

    the attention of old car watchers. Brown can be a “moving””



    I looked very carefully at the 25 Roadster at Hershey and it

    was clear that the car had been repainted some years ago. Several areas

    showed repair under the paint and other areas had very modest overspray.

    Nevertheless a nice car. I did buy the 1916 36hp that had repainted

    fenders and hood but 100% original body paint and original upholstery.

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