Jay Leno’s Pierce-Arrow

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    Jay Leno owns a 1918 Pierce-Arrow Model 66-A-4 Four Passenger Roadster. A program of Jay Leno’s Garage features the car. This can be viewed on You Tube. On your computer search for YouTube. When YouTube comes up, in the search area enter “Jay Leno’s Garage”. On the display that comes up, you will see a picture of the Pierce-Arrow at the top left. Click on that image to watch the program. This is a great program with Jay Leno and Pat Craig. The program lasts about 26 minutes.


    Thanks Paul for posting this notice.

    This episode of Jay Leno’s Garage was just added on YouTube yesterday (11/6/17).



    What a great episode of Jay Leno’s garage.

    Plenty of details about the car and a nice mix of on the road footage as well.

    And judging from the comments, Pat just may have a new career as a video host!


    Someone needs to be sure he is invited to next year’s annual meet.


    Fun video to watch. It confirms why I love the Series 4 cars……..



    Jay is a member since 2015. Encourage to attend should be the goal.

    Hopefully Pat Craig will be able to do that.



    This is a great promotion for both the Pierce-Arrow name and the organization.


    I too am surprised that Jay Leno said ‘Club’,, and that Pat Craig did not ‘correct’ Jay, or at least offer the correct terminology:

    Pierce-Arrow Society. !!



    If you’ve ever been on camera without a script and have to ad lib an entertaining presentation, you know the nerves are hot and the anxiety is up. I forgive Jay for that one word slip, and will not punish Pat for not correcting him.

    I think Pierce Arrow got a lot of good publicity for free with that video. Thank you Jay and Pat.


    Spot on Rich.


    Agreed, it is often said that public speaking is more feared than death !!

    I am certainly glad that the PAC was mentioned, even though it is the PAS.. :-)

    Greg Long..


    PAC…is that for Pat Craig???

    It was a great video and showed the power, performance, engineering, build quality, and great atributes of the finest car of it’s era.

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