Leaf Spring Covers / Restoration / body mounting spacers/pads

Home Page Forums Chassis Leaf Spring Covers / Restoration / body mounting spacers/pads

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  • #468654

    I’m scraping the rust off a 1934 chassis and prepping for paint.  The springs have covers and are in good condition.  I have brushed the grime and coating off of the covers.  They are bright steel(?) currently.  What material is the cover made from?

    Is it worth removing the covers to grease the springs?  I’d like to keep them intact since they seem to be in good condition.

    What is the finish on the covers?  Should they be painted black?

    What is the material used as a washer/ pad between the body and brackets?  It looks like a stack of heavy duty canvas fabric.  Is that correct?   Is there a source for that?  Also, there is a thin fabric/sheet material the size of a calling card in areas of the frame, that appears to be oil impregnated. Any ideas?






    The covers are painted black like the chassis.  There was a tool at the time that looked like along needle.  This tool can be inserted at the joints of the covers to lubricate the springs.  There are spring lubricants available.  Use the lubricant sparingly.


    I removed my covers intact and reinstalled after disassembling the springs, cleaning and regreasing. I replaced the front main leafs due to corrosion concerns. The springs are wrapped in canvas before replacing the covers.

    The covers are a very soft steel, tern plate I believe. I removed them one by one by getting a broad screwdriver under the joint to get them started then used a wide jaw vise grip to bend them back the rest of the way.


    I’ve scraped the dirt and grime off the spring covers.  Most of the paint came with it.  I found that each wrap is stamped with a six digit number. All of which start with 70####

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