LED Headlight Bulbs

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    I just purchased a set of 21-watt, positive-ground LED bulbs from the UK that should fit the P-A headlamps.

    I’ll post a review after they arrive and I give them a trial run.

    They also sell 5-watt LED bulbs that should fit P-A taillights.



    What voltage are they? I have a way to convert 6 volt DC to 12 volt DC that can handle both headlights.


    Hello Peter, Thanks for the information. It will be nice to learn how they fit, operation and also part numbers. This LED conversion can help solve more than a few problems and it will be nice if the conversion to LED does not cause other and unforeseen issues.



    The best outcome would be more light on the road and less load on the electrical system.

    I anxiously await your findings.



    Please excuse me for the lack of information.

    They are 6-volt bulbs.

    I will post a review once they arrive and are installed.

    I took a flyer on them and it is only a $30.00 experiment, so nothing ventured, nothing gained.



    Peter, After you have completed your installation and am happy with the outcome, information on your source and even P/N’s would be good so we can follow your lead.




    But of course!



    Peter, I am very interested in these. I was looking at some sourced out of Australia, but they would have required a different socket. If you have found a direct replacement it would be wonderful..much safer coming home from drive nights.



    One of the Model A Newsletters that I receive mentioned an LED application that works for Model A’s. I went to their website and they state that they have bulbs for Pierce Arrows 1930-35 and that their bulbs may with other cars if there is enough clearance. The name of the company is Logo Lites. Here is the link

    http://www.logolites.com/products/ Logo Lites also has turn signals.

    Peter, have you had any luck with your source?

    Hope this will help.



    $30 a pop.

    A little pricey but the high end LED bulbs tend to be.

    I will have to check the clearance under the flat lens on my ’29.


    If you’re a member of the ACD Club, there’s a very good article on different types of bulb conversions.

    While the Cord 810/812 is highlighted (so to speak), it has information that is general also.

    It’s three pages long. I think I’d have to ask permission of the author to scan and post, I’ve sent him an email, if he agrees will do so….


    Hi David, please email me a copy,




    I will, Greg…would like to post here, waiting to hear back from author of piece…



    No info from the Brit who was making the bulbs.

    I looked at the Logo Lites video piece and the 32/50 bulbs are impressive and appear to be better than the 32CP incandescent in my car.

    The color of the light is of most importance when driving at night.

    The price is what one would expect, and considering the price of replacing anything on a Pierce-Arrow, it is not a good deal of dough.

    We will see if I spring for a pair in the next month.




    If you are unable to post it here I would also like a copy of the article.

    Thank you,



    OK, I have permission from Jim to post his article, am going to try to do so here, it’s three pages so might be three posts if it works….


    2nd page


    3rd page


    Sorry, you’ll have to stand on your head to read the one page. I would assume one might print them out to read?

    In an interesting side note, the author told me in his “permission” email that he’d just bought a large pile of Cord 810-812 parts, and in the pile is the original engine for my 1937 Cord phaeton! He wonders if I want it. My car was refurbished at the factory in the early 1950’s, with a replacement engine and transmission. When I had the car certified at the ACD festival, I worried about that, the head guy laughed and said maybe half the Cords out there have the wrong engine in them! I think he was exaggerating, but…


    David, This is not a P-A subject, but the suspense is “killing” me. Are you going to spring for the original engine out of your Cord? I probably will not sleep tonight unless I know what you have on your mind. What a story!


    PS: oh yeah, thanks for posting the ACD article, it can help us all in one way or another! (P-A or othermakes….:-)

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