Looking For PASB 73-5 & 75-2 for Clutch information!

Home Page Forums Literature and Tools Looking For PASB 73-5 & 75-2 for Clutch information!

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    I am looking for a copy of   PASB 73-5 and  PASB 75-2.

    Any Help would be greatly appreciated!

    Car Serial #3500038 Register to Member, Scott Lohman.  Lohman Companies.

    [email protected] for direct contact!  Thank You










    I will get the car onto your account.

    Digital pdf copies of the PASBs are available on the website.  Member Pages > Publications and technical > Service Bulletin Library.



    We must be doing something wrong!

    We have searched everywhere on the side for those and can’t seem to find them!

    The Car is already in the register and has been for decades! First in Scott’s Fathers Name, Lee Lohman, then Scott after Lee’s Passing!


    https://pierce-arrow.org/members/service-bulletin-library/  Scroll down a ways and there is a list of all of the Service Bulletins. If you are looking for a specific topic, use the Technical Search Tool.  Don’t be too specific with your search terms.

    Yes, when I went to enter the car I saw that it was on Scott’s record.  I am assuming you are not Scott? There is no first name on your account. So who actually owns the car now?



    Use the Technical Search Tool to find articles on your clutch.  I put 51 in the Model Field and Clutch in the Title Field. and got a lot of hits.  You can download each issue by clicking on the red issue title.  You will get a few hits on the Model 51 from ’19-20 which obviously don’t apply.



    The Lohman’s still own the Car!

    My Name is Rod Turner!

    I have been doing most of the maintenance and Repairs on this Car for over 40 years for them!

    It has had a gradually increasing clutch slipping problem for several years but always manageable until the past couple years! I finally got enough time to tear it apart and found 3 of the 4 clutch faces to be in very good condition however 1 face is worn clear off to metal on metal! I need the spec from those two documents to try and figure out why the clutch wore that way and correct it!




    I know at least one of the issues I saw on the search had information on the facing material.  Good luck!



    I read those posts and they all refer to

    73-5 and 75-2 for the needed information

    but I still can’t find those

    anywhere on the site!

    I was in hope that someone who had them would tell me where they got them!


    Click on the Red issue number and it will download a pdf.  Scroll down for the earlier issues.  If you can’t get them, I can e-mail the issues.




    Thanks to your patience and guidance, I finally found them!

    Thank You Very Much!!!



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