Naples car show

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  • #392468

    Nice article about the cars and Ms. Leigh.

    Her book should be an interesting read when it comes out.

    One thing I wonder about it is where did the author get the average values from?

    Sure, some of the teens cars bring $250k but the bulk of Pierce cars out there don’t bring anywhere near that much.


    Thanks for posting Karl!


    What Naples car show? That was our Florida Region getting together at the Wilderness Country Club in Naples. We had a great time there last Sunday at our Fall luncheon meeting. The day before the weather forecast had turned to thunderstorms and we had begun planning Plan B. But the storms never materialized and by Noon we were all treated to see a pair of Series 80 runabouts, tops up just in case, drive through the Club’s well-manicured forest, to stop under the clubhouse’s port-cochere. That got the lunch off to a great start!

    As you can see, some of the Region’s paperweight project (made from a casting of the Series 80 hubcap) made it into the story, too. Ellie’s Pierce family paperback is out and has been advertised in the Emporium.

    There may be more photos besides the newspaper’s (their photographer had four cameras); it is too early to know if we also have a view of the runabouts’ dramatic approach up the clubhouse driveway or will find out everyone else was just too carried away enjoying the scene.



    Brooks, I am 1200 miles from Naples Florida. One of my “snowbird”” Mercedes customers gets the Naples newspaper here in PA and called me because I usually have one of my Pierce Arrows in the shop while he is getting his Mercedes serviced and thought I would find it an interesting read. I am happy to share the link so everyone knows the Florida Region is active. I look forward to a full report of the days events from you in the future. Knowing both cars and owners it looks like a “”Show”” to me. Karl”


    Karl –

    The Florida Region has always had Pierce family members in our Roster. They often suggest our meets/get togethers try to bring Pierce-Arrows into settings just like they appeared originally. It is fairly easy to do that in Florida. Country clubs are good for this; Palm Beach is an entire city that is not just like where Pierce were seen, it is exactly where they were, and the same buildings remain. So car show venues are rarely at the top of our list (but it is certainly a good show to see them, regardless of what they are doing).

    Having the Naples Daily News cover our lunch last Sunday had a surprise. It seemed to be local coverage, but the newspaper is part of the Gannett chain. From what I can tell, that story is available through Google, too. So what appears to be a local story is a much larger illustrated promotion piece, with a circulation possibly greater than the Sunday New York Times! So we have also created some Pierce-Arrow buzz – which I hope also increases interest the annual meet you are planning for Pennsylvania.



    Brooks, if lunch or any future activity is called a ‘Regional Event’ please put it on this board ahead of time. PAS members should be made aware so they can consider attending.

    It is great to hear the Florida Region is active and vibrant.

    All the best-John


    John –

    The message was posted a week ahead of last Sunday’s meeting; it made the little light blink on the message board, telling everyone, not just members, to look. The last time I asked, the meet message must be posted that way to trigger the Society’s meet insurance coverage. If there is any difference, please let me know.



    Brooks, that’s great to hear-thank you for putting this event together.

    When our members are aware of these nice events, increased PAS member interaction will benefit them as well as promote the PAS to the public. The Naples News link is an excellent example of the power of Regional events to promote our fine club…and, at no cost!


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