Optima batteries

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    Any chance that there will be a special deal on optima batteries again this spring? I have used this opportunity in the past and really appreciated the special price. Need to buy one.

    Cal Dyke


    Calvin & PAS Gents,

    I am the PAS Guy who coordinates with the Optima Guy about whether they will be doing a deal this year.

    I have been in touch with Optima Jim and he is working to see if the company is going to offer the deal.

    When the Optima opportunity is a go, I will let everyone know.

    Between now and then, stay tuned to the Message Board.

    We are all charged about having another opportunity to get deals on Optima 6v Red-Tops.



    I think somebody In the Boston area is getting stir crazy. Time for Spring here in the US! Jak, we would be happy to send you some cooler weather!

    By the way, Peter, can they expand it to 12 volt cars as well? Some of us own “antiques”” built after 1955. 24 or 27 size would be nice…”



    I ran that concept by Optima Jim two years back and the answer was NO!

    I can try again when I speak with him, but do not hold you’re breath (you will turn blue).

    Best regards,


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