pas number

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  • #392565

    how do I fine out what my membership number is.


    I didn’t realize we had a membership number??


    It is in the Printed Roster under “Alphabetical Listing By Last Name”. At the end of each listing it is in Brackets, [your # followed by the year you joined]. If you don’t have a printed Roster yet, contact the membership Chair, Janet Lange at [email protected]


    Well there you go—-I learn something new every OTHER day! Thanks David for that.


    I have been curious at times about the membership numbers, they sometimes seem to be roughly consistent with the date when joined but some with lower member numbers have later join dates. Not that it is important, sort of like trying to sort out car body, serial and engine numbers and build dates!



    If you let your membership lapse you will be issued a new member number when you rejoin.


    What exactly is the membership number for…and how does the PAS determine your number?…


    Following Jim Chase’s line of thought: Maybe the Pierce Arrow Society adopted the same ‘formula’ for developing and assigning model numbers, series numbers resulting in total confusion many decades later.


    Greg Long


    I think you got it right, Greg! I looked at my number and year, and a casual glance showed that at least one person who joined AFTER me has a lower number! Oh well, doesn’t matter in the least as far as I know….

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