PAS Winter meeting

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  • #393179

    A personal perspective:

    Driving home from the annual PAS winter mini meet & board meeting, I had a lot of time to think….(14 hours worth)

    I could go into detail of the things we did, the places we went, but not now.

    The thing I thought about the most was how much I did not want to leave, nor did I want it to end.

    I have belonged to other “car clubs” before…the usual people at the usual events…sometimes you socialize, sometimes you don’t.

    This “club” is different. This “club” is the closest thing I have to a family. Driving home today I felt like I was leaving my family members behind. The warmth & compassion the people in this “club” show towards one another goes beyond just being “car geeks.”

    I have never felt so accepted and welcomed as the people in the Pierce-Arrow Society have made me feel. And it’s not just me…new members who have never attended a meet before are welcomed with open arms, friendly smiles and warm greetings, as if we’ve known you all along…just as it happened this weekend with the new members attending.

    I wish I could be more involved with this club in the future…I wish I could attend every meet, so I could see my friends again. Alas, certain restrictions will not allow me to do this…just yet.

    The people in this Society are not just “car guys”…we are ALL family…at least, that is how I look at…

    I look forward to seeing those of you who will be attending the Gathering in the fall.


    Truly and eloquently said, Curtiss. And thank you very much for the superb presentation at the PAS Board Meeting on the PAS Facebook page which you administer so well.

    PAS is indeed a family (perhaps including a couple of crazy uncles) and mini-meets such as this one foster that aspect of the organization as much or more than the summer annual meets. The winter meets don’t have the “distraction” of the cars we love and allow us all to focus on the people and the personal relationships that make the PAS a Society, not just a club.


    It’s certainly an exceptional group; Kathy and I are thrilled to attend every event possible. This was a great outing for us.


    I agree with all expressions here-Curtiss, it was a pleasure spending time with you and learning the processes associated with Facebook-your presentation was very much appreciated! .


    Curtis: I cannot agree more! In 1991, when I joined the PAS, I never, ever thought that 90% of my friends, and 95% of my yearly travels and entertainment would be with and part of the Pierce Arrow Society and it’s members.

    Your Facebook presentation was great, and your efforts supporting the Pierce Arrow Facebook page are greatly appreciated.

    Greg Long


    Thank you Curtis and all that attended the Winter Meet. We are especially appreciative of those who traveled from distant environs. This once again proves how special PAS is.

    Keep on Motoring,

    Rick and Liz Horne


    My wife Anne, myself and our little dog Gunther. All completely accepted. PAS is a very different group of people. Warm, funny, helpful. A comfortable with a twist of deja vu. Faces, familiar but knowing we just met…. delightful.

    Even the events, though new to us, like the Columbus Georgia “National Infantry Museum” and the “National Civil War Naval Museum”, they also felt familiar.

    One hundred sixty years ago did some of us stand, together aboard massive ironclad ships and felt the shuddering of our guns sounded forth and the ringing of the return fire? An exhilarating immersive experience.


    New friends and old friends.

    We had a great time and looking forward to future events.


    Curtis, it was a pleasure meeting you. Your presentation on Facebook was very informative and I will asking to join your Pierce-Arrow page.

    Janet Lange

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