Passing of a Pierce Arrow Legend.

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    My good friend and mentor Bob Sands has left us. I don’t have any words to thank him for his help and friendship over the last 37 years. Rest in Peace my friend.


    Thanks for letting us know, Ed.  Bob was indeed a legend and knew every nut and bolt and generously shared his knowledge and his reproductions of very obscure parts such as tiny vent window trim for 1934s.  Does anyone have a link to an obituary to share?  When one is published, please post here.


    Bob was a gentle soul who helped many members with authenticity and several NOS parts.  We’ll miss his knowledge and friendship.

    Godspeed, Bob.


    As I told Ed Minnie, Bob passed on Tuesday evening  from hospice, at the Erie County Medical Center.  The wake will be at Lombardo Funeral Home, on Abbot Road, next Thursday night.  The service will be the next morning at 10am, at the funeral home.  (South Buffalo).  Bob and I have been friends for over 50 years.  We have spent hours talking Pierce Arrow, truly he was one of the most Pierce “centered” people I have ever known.


    Bob was also my mentor in the Pierce-Arrow world. Always ready and eager to help with a project or provide information. I will always remember the times working with him or going for breakfast or just coffee. The road trips going to look at or purchase another Pierce were always enjoyable. He is more than a friend he will always be part of our family. Michele and I send our condolences to his family. I shall miss him a lot.


    The link for Bob’s obituary follows.  As George Teebay stated above, Bob generously shared his knowledge of Pierce-Arrows and those many beautiful cars he has restored over the years are a testament to his dedication to the Company and to our Society.

    Condolences to his family.


    I own a 1936 Pierce-Arrow 1601 sedan that was once owned by Bob.  After I acquired it I had several enjoyable, enlightening phone conversations with him about the car, its mechanics and its history.  Like many Pierce-Arrow enthusiasts and historians I am saddened by his passing.  He’ll definitely be missed.


    Bob was a COOL Buffalo Dude, although he might have taken minor offense at being called a Dude.

    I was pleased and lucky to know him, and to come to understand that he was a REAL BUFFALO GENTLEMAN!

    God Bless His Buffalo-Built, Pierce-Arrow Soul!

    RIP, Bob!


    Words   seem   so   fruitless   at   this    time   as   we   are    all   saddened at   Bob’s   passing.   Once   owned   a   1936    8cyl   purchased   from   Bob.   Never   will    I    forget    the  day I    flew   to    Buffalo to  buy  it.   Spent    the  day    there   and   was   hosted   so   graciously   by   Bob   and   Alice.   Wanted    to   see    the   War    memorial   stadium   where    the   “Natural”   movie   was    filmed.   Bob   told   me   it   was   Knocked    down   6    months   ago.  Bob    was   a   class   act    just    like   the   cars    he    restored.     Sincerely    Larry   Sorcher


    It is very sad to learn Bob is gone. He was extra special, very interested in Pierce-Arrows – his focus on the town cars was always impressive. And, he had a great sense of humor! Once, he came to a board meeting, taking a seat at the very back corner of the room. He knew a major topic was on the agenda; when it came up he suddenly yelled out three pertinent words, then, with everyone looking his way, pretended he had not spoken. By the end of the meeting, his point was taken.



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