Pierce Arrow Dealers in Cleveland Ohio?

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    I am trying to help out an elderly gentleman. Your help would be truly appreciated.

    This gentleman’s father worked as a mechanic for a Pierce Arrow dealer in Cleveland Ohio back in the day. He cannot remember the name of the dealer or where exactly it was located.

    Here is your chance to share some Pierce Arrow knowledge that would make an old man happy and help him to understand a little about his own “history””. Do you have name(s) of any of the agencies that sold Pierce Arrows in Cleveland and where they might have been located?

    Thanks for your help. Looking forward to Spring Motoring!

    Chris & Delphine”


    In 1906 Metropolitan Motor Car Company built a new building, on Euclid Avenue, to handle Pierce, Cadillac, and Babcock. The building still exists, and has a very nice detail inset into the side which mimics the 25 year PA pin. I don’t know if it changed names anytime after 1906, while dealing in Pierce cars….best David Coco Winchester Va.


    Hi Chris,

    The Metropolitan Motor Co. is listed as 1841 Euclid Avenue in the 1907 Owners Manual. (Euclid and East 19th Street in the 1908 Manual.)

    The 1910-11 catalog lists The Western Reserve Motor Car Co., at 6604-6618 Euclid Avenue.

    The 1914-15 sales catalog lists Weaver-Twelvetree Co., at 1821 East 13th Street, N.E.

    The 1916 thru 1919 sales catalogs list Fred P. Brand Motor Co., at Carnegie Avenue and East 46th Street.

    After that, the company apparently stopped listing dealers in the catalogs.

    Hope this helps.


    Bob Jacobsen


    Hi Chris,

    Here’s a photo of the Fred Brand dealership building at Carnegie Ave. and E 46th St. on the east side of Cleveland.


    Stu Blair

    Cincinnati, OH


    And here’s another photo, a closeup of a medallion with “Pierce-Arrow Motor Cars”” on the facade between each of the half-circle windows over the top of the bricked-in windows.”


    And finally, here’s the front of the building facing Carnegie Ave. The service garage area, not seen in these photos, is behind this building along E. 46th St.


    What a great building, thanks for pictures, my Google search showed that as the original Metropolitan motor building, but that must be incorrect as the street address doesn’t match. Wouldn’t that building make a great garage for old cars!!!!



    Thank you all for your input and pictures! I will summarize your information and forward it to the elderly gentleman. Thanks for taking the time to help. This demonstrates again the giant knowledge base that is available in the Pierce Arrow Society for being able to answer what seem like pretty obscure and difficult questions!

    Happy Motoring,


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