Recently a very rare and unique Pierce bicycle leather tool pouch was auction on ebay. It brought a tremendously high price for such an accessory–nearly $400. I happen to have one of these which I am in the process of possibly reproducing for sale to PAS bicycle owners or PAS members who might be interested in owning one of these for their bicycles. I am making several for my own use and just considered others might be interested in owning one or more too. The decorative tooling and research has been done already. NOW, I will need to know how many to make up. The price will depend on the number of orders received. IF you are intereted in ordering one of these rare items for yourself, please call me on weekends at: (951) 454-1942, write me at: 1794 Hillside Avenue, Norco, California 92860-3000 or email me at: [email protected]. I need to hear from interested parties very soon. Once I have a total number to be made, I will inform each interested party of the exact price for each one. The workmanship will equal the originals and this will be a great accessory for any Pierce bicycle. I will not reopen this project later, so order now if you have any interest. –Dr. Jack Combs