What should I use to seal a cork carburetor float in the world of ethanol gasoline?
Try a hobby store and look for “hot fuel proof clear dope””.
Use a brass float. Cork is a wast of time.
I was told that epoxy is fuel proof and a representative at POR-15 told me that it is impervious to fuel and ethanol.
Also, how about Bill Hirsch’s Fuel tank sealer?
I don’t know how it would work on cork, but you can always call them to find out.
How about the NITROPHYL that they sell at Restoration Supply? It is said to replace cork floats (see page 12 of their catalog).
If you use real cork, not a glued together composite, there is no need to seal the cork against gasoline. It naturally will not significantly absorb the liquid.
I realize that this is a hard sell, but it’s true, and it’s why cork is used in so many applications to seal liquid containers. Cork is unique in that it has a very tight cell structure, and those cells are small and filled with air, thus any absorption is greatly minimized.
David, that makes a lot of sense-I’ve not seen a sealer on a wine cork!
Resto-Supply also sells the cork floats in various sizes and shapes.