Seeking any and all info on Travelodges, specially Model B

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    I am an avid Vintage Trailer Collector and run a Restoration shop specially for Vintage Trailers. I have recently added to my private collection a Pierce Arrow Travelodge. The exterior is in great condition (as far as we consider in the Vintage Trailer World) with all windows with no broken glass, bumper, spare tire holder, all exterior lights, etc… The interior is another story, it has been gutted, but I have no problem rebuilding the interior back to original, including the correct appliances which are easy to find when you run a vintage trailer restoration company. My question is at what serial numbers does the line go from a 1936 to a 1937? In all my research the lowest number I can find is I0245…..Mine is I0225! Is there any company files that state when the year change was?

    I am also looking for as many interior pictures reguardless of model for comparison in the rebuild of mine.

    I rescued mine from Gainesville FL, it came from a very old lady whose wealthy mother had bought it new!

    Pictures of mine can be seen at:

    Thanks for any help,

    Tim Heintz

    Panama City, FL


    I’ll send a few photos to your email address.

    I’m sure you’ll get lots of photos.

    There were four Travel lodge trailers at the 2006 meet in Redmond Oregon.

    Here is a photo of them.


    I have an original Travelodge brochure with good photos of both exterior and interior. Email me at [email protected] and we’ll arrange to get a copy for you. All Travelodges are 1937 models.


    The vehicle register shows the model B serial number range beginning at 10001 with the highest reported number being 10261. The estimated production for model B is 275 units with more that 30 (model B)still existing. Though production began in late 1936, all travelodges are considered 1937 models.


    Thanks Paul E.,

    That really helps now I know what year I have!

    Also I see that everyone list the Serial Numbers as 10XXX You can tell on my serial number plate that it starts with an I not a 1 My SN is I0225…any ideas?



    Welcome to the PAS! I’ll send you a detailed email tonight with more info on Travelodges. For now, the highest known serial numbers reflect at least 149 Model A’s, 261 Model B’s, and 100 Model C’s produced. For some reason we can only speculate on, the Company used and I (eye) rather than a 1 (one) on at least the first digit on the serial number plate. A **working** discussion would call your serial 10225, but California DMV thinks my serial is II49 (eye-eye-four-nine), because that’s how it was stamped at the factory.

    In the meantime, here’s an interior photo of Steve Babinsky’s highly original (“barn find” is so over-used!) Model B at Pebble Beach in 2010.

    I’ll send you more photos and other info later.

    Best regards,



    Gents, thank you for providing this great information. A few post here and Tim will be on his way to restoring this Travelodge!

    Tim welcome to the PAS!-John


    Thanks to everyone for thier information!!!! I am really looking foward to starting this restoration and plan on doing a complete original job. I restore trailers as a side job/hobby (I am an Architect by trade) and stay pretty busy throughout the year with client trailers. I hope to be able to start the PA sometime in the Spring, as I have to get another one of my personal trailers done first since it is sitting out in the shop with no roof on it! But as soon as I get it done, the PA will get all the attention.

    When the restoration gets started you can follow all the work through my Picture website at

    There are also many other trailers that I have and still am working on, so feel free to check them out.

    Thanks again for all the help. I will keep everyone upto date!

    Tim Heintz CEO Vintage Trailer Restorations

    Panama City, FL

    S.E. Rep. of Oldest camping club in the world!

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