Shifting Gears

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  • #390763

    It has been a tremendous honor to serve as the Treasurer of the Pierce-Arrow Society for something over a decade. Just as our vehicles are of the absolute highest quality, the Society is simply the best single marque car club in the world. The men and women volunteers who serve as Officers, Directors, and on Committees to do the work of running the Society are the best group of people that I have ever had the pleasure to know and work with. I consider many to be the best friends I’ve ever had.

    The operational processes put in place during my time of service have resulted in a well oiled machine handled by very dedicated volunteers and made my job easier. Serving as Treasurer allowed me to be involved in most aspects of the Society’s operations, develop positive vendor relationships and even get a gold star from an auditor at the IRS. I enjoyed the privilege of getting to know and assisting members with a myriad of issues. It was the springboard for most of the other things that I have done for the Society and a job that I truly enjoyed doing.

    Presently both my health and the Society’s financial health are excellent. We are now in the most solid financial condition since the recession began and I recently put in place an additional revenue stream agreement. After the winter board meeting I began the process of transitioning the treasury duties to the highly qualified, lovely and delightful Susan Wozney. Please be patient with any little glitches that may show up during transition and give Susan the same strong support that you have always given me.

    I will be using my newfound time in some areas that will hopefully contribute to the continuing long term success of the Society, our Museum and future generations of the Pierce-Arrow Society. Thank you all for what has been the most enjoyable decade of my adult life.

    Dave Stevens


    Dave, I for one would like to thank you for your many years of excellent service to both the PAS and the Museum Foundation. Treasurer, Hershey tent, The Gathering, Meet Chairman, the list goes on and on. You have been a most valuable member to both organizations, the hobby, and just a over all great ambassador to the hobby. Your hard work that you and your wife have contributed to countless hours of good times and memories for HUNDREDS of members. THANK YOU! Ed Minnie


    David: As a past treasurer and President of the PAS, I have seen many very capable and affable conributors to the Society come and go. Indeed, you surely would be placed somewhere near the top of that group. It delights me that Susan, a most pleasant and capable person would be your replacement. When I took over from Paul Mogel as treasurer, I inherited two index card size banker boxes, with the old black and white marble finish, and a couple of yearly financial statements. The bankers boxes contained membership cards, the number of paper clips on the cards indicated the number of years for which the member had paid. Hurray to all the new computer sophisticated younger people who have come forward to carry on and make the society such a great organization.


    Dave: Thank you for the decade of being the PAS Treasurer ! For a very rare change, this means that you will be wearing one fewer hats! At least for a while. I’m looking forward to continuing to work with you at the Museum, the Great Lakes Region, and at the Hershey Tent..

    Greg Long



    Thank you and Diana for all you have done and continue to do for the Pierce-Arrow community. As Ed mentioned, too numerous to list.

    Rick and Liz Horne



    Let me add my voice to the many other voices in thanking you and Diana for many ways that both of you have contributed to the Pierce-Arrow Community. I look forward to working with both of you in the future.



    Repeating what others have said, but it bears repeating. You and Diana have given much to the PAS, and it is greatly appreciated. David C.



    I would say “take a well deserved rest”, but knowing you and Diana as well as I do, you will continue to contribute to our hobby at full throttle.

    Every car club and non-profit organization in the world is looking for “can do” and “will do” people like you two. But we (Pierce-Arrow Society) have you and we are going to do everything we can to keep you for ourselves!

    So in that context please always call on us to help with your projects (present and future). After all, we all want to be associated with “projects of excellence” that Dave and Diana run!

    With all sincerity THANK YOU for all that you have done and all that you will continue to do!

    Merlin & Jane Smith



    I have no idea how you kept ALL of your different “Car Lives” going at the same time. I know that I couldn’t do half of what you do.

    Thanks, so much!

    Bill and Wilma



    I don’t know how you have manged to juggle your time with all of the responsibilities you have taken on with the PAS, but if anyone needed a well deserved break it would be you. (And Diana)

    I think I speak for all the members of the Great Lakes Region when I say you have (both) done an outstanding job with your duties and accomplishments within the PAS. Without your hard work it is possible the GLR may never have gotten past the “it’s a good idea” stage.

    Your guidance and friendship has meant a lot to me and and I hope we have many, many years of your continuing services and camaraderie within the club.

    Curtiss & Kirsten


    What’s this talk about a “rest””??? Dave has been relieved of a more or less routine job (that he has done superbly well) so that he can lead us into the next decade with the Museum and Foundation. Anyone who thinks that Dave’s rate of contribution to the Pierce-Arrow world will slack off must not know Dave!

    But thanks are certainly in order — for the past and the future!”


    I gladly join in the chorus of thanks for your comprehensive service to the Society and the Foundation. It has been a joy to work with you.

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