Spring gators

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by .
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    They are made to the spring. They are very difficult to make and can get very expensive. Pierce used graphite and grease with canvas on the springs, then put the covers on. After all that, then you need to paint them. I would ask to see another set that the people did before you agree to have them made. Good luck. Ed


    Mike, I had the same question a few months ago – there should be a thread still on the site – and there were plenty of suggestions for vendors for leather but no metal. Don’t know if you still have useable originals but Ed suggested that the originals could be unbent and removed and replaced. He was right, they are very soft steel and survived being unbent and bent back when re-installed. I cleaned the old ones up, painted them individually first, then repainted them once installed as they scratch as you slide them back and forth into position. They don’t look perfect, but they weren’t perfect when new either. I don’t think they would be terribly difficult to make, mainly take a fair amount of time and patience fabricating a series of dies out of hardwood to put in the bends. Personally I would not put any graphite lubricant in the springs, graphite (carbon) induces corrosion in steel and aluminum with the slightest moisture.

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