Street rods vs originals… ideas, thoughts

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    I’m selling turbocharger kits,exhaust headers,and flame decals for

    Pierce-Arrows.If the factory can race them at Bonneville Flats,why

    shouldn’t we have some fun with the tuner crowd at the stop lights(just



    I have a 1933PA 836 that I have been trying for 5 years to get running. The rest of the car I have restored and it looks great. I finally gave up on the PA engine and installed a GM350 with a 700r trans.It starts and runs great. No one would ever know that it does not have the original engine. It really feels great to know that I can go out and start my PA. and not worry about breaking down wit an old engine. Sorry thats my feeling after 5 years of worry trying to restore the engine.



    I deleted my entry because no one was responding to it.

    I guess you had to do what you thought was best. However, I do hope you decide to restore the original engine and trans and put it back in the car someday.

    Just my two cents.



    BULLETIN……I went to my garage yesterday and started my 1936 Pierce Arrow convertible sedan with the standard engine. It started! I drove it, it was fun! Guess what! It started and drove the last ten times I tried. Recently, I drove it fifty miles on the interstate. All with the stock engine.


    I must admit that I too have had nothing but good luck over the last 20 years driving my V-12 Pierce. As a matter of fact, the most costly repair so far has been a new set of tires after driving fifteen thousand trouble free miles. I must admit the gas is kind of pricey when driving a twelve. I’m pretty sure Paul Johnston has been driving his late model Pierce for over 50 years without any trouble either. Carl, did you contact any club members for help when you were having trouble with your car? Most any member is always willing to lend a hand and moral support to get a car running properly.



    With the kind of weather you’ve been having in the Northeast lately, I hope you had your winter front grill and good snow tires on your Pierce!…


    Curt…. Tony is a snow bird……… neither he or his Pierce have seen snow in years! Here is a shot out my back door yesterday in Mass, it was -17 at 6 am.



    Yep, that’s kinda what my back yard looks like up here in Michigan too!


    Interesting thought on snow tires Curtiss. When I bought my ’31 Pierce, it had all the original tools (as new, in the original pouch). In addition, in the tool area was a new set of tire chains, in their original cloth bag. I thought this was wonderful. But after moving them two or three times under there over the years, I set them out for the trash. Who would want them?



    I suppose that thought would also apply to a winter front grill, who would use it?… I can’t say I know of anyone who would take their Pierce out into the snow unless it was absolutely necessary!…


    I use the original winter front on my Series 33 on cool mornings. The winter front fits on studs attached to the lower part of the radiator. It has three positions depending on how much of the radiator is to be covered.


    Did anybody speak of snow and Pierce-Arrow?



    Wow, you are dedicated my friend, I would not be so brave as to drive an open car like that in the snow.

    Actually, the only reason I do not drive the car in the winter is not because of the snow itself, but of the tons of salt they spread on all the roads here. If it were only the snow itself, I suppose I would take the limo out once in a while!… (the heat from the engine actually keeps the interior fairly warm.)



    How does the Pierce handle in the snow compared to your modern car?


    If you take a close look on the rear wheel you can see “tire chains””. I only used a strong and thick rope which in fact made it possible to drive quite normally. The tire I have are like racing slicks… Without chains it would have been impossible to drive on snow.

    This picture was taken some years back. It was sunday morning before they came with ther snow plow and the salt.

    In Oslo we have a tradition to drive on January 1 up to a little mountain close to the city. You have to drive an open antique car and at the at the goal you have to eat an icecream outdoor…! I planned to go this year but the road was allraedy destroyed by salt. The photo is from last “”snow rally””.”



    What year and make of car is in the last picture you sent?I see

    you use rope for more than just tire chains.



    Hi Tony,

    The car is an Apollo 1910, produced by A. Ruppe & Sohn (1903 – 1927) in Germany. It is a friend behind the wheel, I was only Co-pilot. New leather straps were under production, therefore the rope! The car is air cooled.

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