Stromberg O-3 temperature compensator

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    Good afternoon Ladies and Gents,

    I am looking for a Temperature Compensator for a Series 81, Stromberg O-3 carburetor. Does not have to be complete, pretty or functional, but should have mostly intact external parts.

    Be in touch if you have one to spare.



    If it doesn’t have to be functional, I’d carve one out of Delrin. The originals were pot metal, the two small ears for the mounting screws are pot metal and very easily broken.

    The outer thin metal skin serves only to hold the bunch of broken pieces together, until the ears break off from vibration, then the whole affair falls onto the splash pan, to slide off to the ground.

    Greg Long



    The left ear on mine is now remodeled with JB Weld, then JB Steel, then JB Weld as a cover coat followed by paint.

    Maybe it will hold, but then again, maybe it won’t.

    I don’t drive year-round, so the functionality is lost on my Series 80 on which I run an O-3, however, I would like one.

    That stated, I understand that I have a fat chance of getting one.



    Gents & Ladies,

    BTW, apropos of Greg’s suggestion about the Delrin, I just remember that I have a friend who casts metals as a hobby, so I may have a few non-functional Temp Compensators cast if there is any interest.

    If any of you Series 81 guys have such an interest, be in touch and I will see if it is cost effective to run such a project.

    Otherwise, I will just ask him to cast two in bronze.




    If it matters to any Series 81 Guys, I committed to have a few of these cast in bronze.

    Be in touch if interested, as the price will be reasonable.




    Have you looked into making these on a 3-D printer, in metal (not plastic)?

    Over at MIT near you, there has to be some engineering grad student with access to the university’s 3-D lab who would run off a dozen for you in exchange for a case of beer.




    That is a great idea.

    My son Cole is a Mechanical Engineering student (next semester is the last semester, I trust) at RIT, Rochester Institute of Technology.

    I bet that he could pop a few out without a problem.

    I’ll ask him what type of metal they could use.

    I am having them cast in bronze (at a very reasonable price) because I was afraid that in aluminum the tiny little ears would succumb to vibration as did the pot metal.




    I look forward to the day when the PAS will have a library of 3D printer files for all sorts of parts that can be printed at home as needed.

    One can dream.



    Now that is what I would call retroprogressive! Some of we oldtimers really are up there the youngsters!




    If you’re in the vicinity of Dayton, OH, you may get your part faster than you previously thought possible. Dan Badger is the Packard Museum’s General Manager if you’d like to call & discuss your project.

    Separately, does anyone have a complete set of Cad/Cam drawings for a 1933 1247 convertible sedan? I’d like to print one off tomorrow after work!

    Posting is from America’s Packard Museum Facebook news feed.

    Regards, Stu Blair, Cincinnati, Ohio



    I have that covered via my RIT Mechanical Engineering student son, Cole.

    However, perhaps we can persuade the PAS Museum or the AACA Library to buy one to go into the business of reproducing hard to find parts.

    The PAS bought the AACA a scanner so that they could scan all of our documents, so why not buy them a 3D printer so that they can reproduce parts for PAS members at a reasonable cost?



    Excellent idea Peter.



    I am all for that.




    I will work in bringing this to the Board of Directors for consideration.

    The AACA Library is always manned, so that is the logical place to house it and Chris Ritter thinks it is a grand idea.


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