What oil viscosity should I use in my 1932 PA model 54 in line 8

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    I’m a PA “newbe” looking for some info. Question is what oil viscosity (straight 30 weight or a 20W-30??) should I use in my 1932 Pierce Arrow. Also, I’m thoroughly confused about the oil filter. There is a cylindrical can with a cover on top on the left side of the front of the engine. I’m assuming this houses the oil filter. If that is the case what type if filter do I use and where can you buy one?  I did read in a post that the engine takes 8 to 9 quarts.


    Thank so much for any help!


    Bob Rogers in Michigan


    My email: [email protected]



    Asking “What is the best oil” is a good way to open a can of worms.  Generally, most oil today is better than anything available back in the day.  The chart below (and the Owners Manual) recommends SAE 30 for normal warm weather driving and 20 for winter and 40 for hot weather. A good Multi grade such as 10-30 will also be OK.  Some people use certain Delo or Shell Rotella 15-40. These are Diesel oils, but also are rated for gasoline engines and are available in bulk (cheaper).

    One of the controversial issues with oil is whether to use Detergent or Non detergent. If the prior owner has been using detergent oil, or the engine doesn’t have a lot of miles, I would recommend continuing to use it. If the engine has a lot of miles and has built up sludge, many people suggest a non detergent oil as there is some concern that detergent oil may loosen deposits and block oil passages. I have not seen this, but others say they have. You will have to make your own choice. Pulling the oil pan on a new to you car is a good idea as you can check the internal condition of the engine and determine if there is any sludge. Detergent oil suspends particulate in the oil for the oil filter to remove. Non detergent oil lets the particulate drop out and settle in the engine forming sludge.  Your engine has a partial flow filter (the canister at the left front of the engine).

    The other controversy with oil is the amount of ZDDP (Zinc / Phosphorus ). Newer oils have less ZDDP because it damages catalytic converters, but they still contain some.  ZDDP was not added to oil until the 1940s, so when your car was new no oil had it. There is some evidence that lack of ZDDP may cause cam/lifter damage, but this is in high compression or newly overhauled engines. Modern oils have a number of anti wear additives that older oils do not.

    I would suggest if you have concerns about either of these topics, you do some internet research on them. Just make sure the opinion you are reading is backed up with actual evidence, not that “My friend’s uncle says that….. ”

    Not owning an 8 cylinder car, I don’t know what modern filter will work. Hopefully someone else can chime in.

    You can search all of the Service Bulletins using the Technical Search tool under the Publications tab in the Members pages. It takes a little practice to get the search terms right, but usually you can get results to questions.

    Service Bulletin 1995-6 (available under Publications) has an article on oil filters for early 8s. A clearer copy of the chart below is in Service Bulletin 1981-2.




    Dave White, Hopefully this reply is going to the correct place. Just wanted to thank you for your reply to my question pertaining to the grade oil I should use in my 32 PA. There was a lot to consider and it looks like I need to figure out what will work best for my situation.  I guess the biggest question is should I use detergent oil or not. I still haven’t had a chance to check out the oil filter situation, hopefully that will become more obvious  once I dive into it. Thanks again for the time you spent helping me out, very much appreciated.


    Bob Rogers in Bloomfield Hills Michigan



    I talked to some members that have more knowledge on the 8 cyl and they said that on the ’32 the whole filter canister has to be changed. At one time there were some replacement filters made that had replaceable elements. You might check with John Cislak, 413/543-9017, he is the most likely person to have one or know of one.

    As far as the detergent vs. non detergent, that is a choice you will have to make. If there is no sludge in the engine, I would go with detergent.



    I am not going to suggest oil, you have received excellent information and advice already, but I will give a huge shout out about the modern replaceable oil filter holder that I bought from John Cislak. Its appearance is exactly like an original but it holds a modern screw-on filter inside that only costs a few bucks at NAPA. Considering the age and, more importantly, the internal conditions of any original filters that might be available this is a great alternative!



    Can’t help but reference this paper on oils. Consider the can of worms opened.




    I will recommend Shell’s Rotella T4 oil.  15w40.  It is a Diesel engine oil so it has some zinc in it for flat-tappet lifters like in our Pierce engines.

    I use Rotella T in all my Pierces and other antique cars as well as in my 1.1 million mile Kenworth car-hauler.  The Kenworth was lubricated with either Rotella T, or Mobil Delvac 15w-40 for it’s entire 1.1million miles..

    Greg Long


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