Winter Mini-Meet at Calloway Gardens

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    Anne and I went to the Winter Mini-Meet this weekend. It was sponsored and shepherded by Liz and Rick Horne. The venue was excellent, the tours outstanding and we met some of the greatest people we know!

    We learned a huge amount of PA understanding. George Teebay, Ann Beals, David and Donna white came by our home and we showed them our car collections. Being around them gave us a much greater understanding of our 1916 Pierce that I never knew!

    My success was never being an expert in any field. My success is finding a top person in a field and learning from them! George Teebay is THE Guru on ‘teen Pierce-Arrows. In a few hours listening to him, I learned a huge amount in a short period of time as he went over details of my car hands and yet I am seeing just the tip of the iceberg for me understanding Pierce. Looking forward to learning more.

    We met quite a few people we knew as just names on the PAS, here, and others on PAS Facebook page and very much enjoyed Curtiss Poole, Facebook page. Who helped me learn the PA Lingo. What is an EDL? Got it!

    Curtiss chided me for having a nom-de-plume on Facebook as “Bill Martian” and you can find us there and ‘friend us’!

    Another outstanding PAS, Greg Long, affectionately known as MacGuyver of PA, in that he can fix about anything with anything at hand. Encyclopedic mind!

    Many other people too numerous to mention, right now. But we have some fine connections with fine people. Especially Marc and DeeDee Hamburger, Bill Word and many more.

    I will close with large Kudos to Liz and Rick for bringing us together and entertaining us in a marvelous venture! Eager for many more PAS friends.


    Bill, I’ve been fooling with old cars for over 50 years, and a member of the PAS since the 1970’s.

    In my experience with a lot of different clubs, I feel you will not find any better, nicer, and more knowledgeable group of people, all willing to help you in any way they can. You’ve named a few, but there are a lot more!

    Great to see you in the club, ummm, that is, Society!


    Bill, thank you for the very kind and generous words, but my capabilities on pre-1921 Pierces pale next to those of Bill Lawton, Bill Scorah, Peter Fawcett, and several others–you just haven’t met those founts of knowledge yet, and much of my knowledge came from them! It’s a learning curve, but a most enjoyable one! And the PAS is all about sharing our individual knowledge and passing it on to the next Pierce owner.

    Profound thanks for sharing your amazing collections (not just cars) with Annie and me, and with Dave and Donna White. We had a marvelous time with you and Anne enroute to Callaway Gardens.



    We had a great time looking at your collections. Many thanks.

    Dave and Donna


    A big shout out and thank you go to Rick and Liz Horne for putting this meet together. A special thank you to Liz for being my chauffeur for the weekend and putting up with me. Rick your directions were spot on and a breeze to help me get home. Thank you both.

    So much to see and do…The Naval Museum on Friday was spectacular, the lunch was great, the garden tour was outstanding, and FDR”s Little White Hose was awe inspiring. To think that “The most powerful man in the world” was able to relax in such a humble surrounding.

    The evening dinner on Sunday was our last hurrah and I did not want it to end.

    Thank you to Rich Lange for inviting me down to this event, I am truly glad I came.

    I look forward to seeing everyone in the fall at the Gathering.


    To Bill Marsh. Bill it was great to finally meet you and Anne, and of course: talk cars.. I’m sorry I was not able drive down early and see your collection and look over your Pierce Arrow.. What a neat car.

    Curtis: all PAS members are welcome to come to the Board meeting events.. I learned a lot about Facebook from your excellent presentation to the board. You fielded the many questions well, I and the entire group of board members present extend our thanks to you for your presentation and efforts on Facebook.

    Regarding my status as ‘MacGuyver’.. well I had to use some of those skills on the way home.. My 328,000 mile Prius decided to start consuming engine coolant. In other words,, the head gasket started to leak coolant into the combustion cambers. The coolant goes away, not seen except as some steam in the exhaust.

    So with a bit of maneuvering, doing a few tricks. I was able to jerry-rig the system and finished my drive home to Michigan. .

    Greg Long

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