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  • in reply to: Hood Latches Needed 28′ Fleet Arrow Wagon #426653


    They appear to be the same hood hold-downs as on the 1925 Series 80 cars through the 1928 Series 81 cars.

    Perhaps, you might broaden your request to include those cars.

    Also, although the pickings are not as good as they were 10-years ago, you may want to start running a search on eBay.


    in reply to: Hood Latches Needed 28′ Fleet Arrow Wagon #426646

    How about a photo that actually shows the latches?

    A photo without all of the background noise, please.

    in reply to: Help IDing light #426615

    A License Plate Light?

    The connection looks like those on my 1925 Series 80 taillight assemblies.

    in reply to: 27 series 80 brake removal and reinstallation #426502


    Did you have any success?

    You may need to remove the Backing Plates (two-per-Front-wheel) and that will give you access to the backside of the break assembly.

    If doing that does not help, you may also wish to reach out for assistance to PAS Members; Greg Long or George Teebay.


    in reply to: 27 series 80 brake removal and reinstallation #426442


    Do you have the Series 80, Care and Operation Manual?

    The general information should be in it.

    I’ll look in the morning, but by then five other Series 80 Gents will likely have advised you.


    in reply to: 1934 V 12 points & condenser #426162
    in reply to: Worn brushes #425621


    I believe that John Cislak sells the fiber disks for connecting the fan, to the generator, to the water pump, etc.


    in reply to: Engine Coolant: New Prestone #425583


    David is correct.

    A COLD SNAP will not freeze the liquid in the radiator of your car stored in a garage.

    I store my Series 80 in a 16-ft by 60-ft, unheated storage garage, and because of adjacent heated units, mine never goes below 25-degrees in the midst of a Massachusetts winter where the temperatures range between; 0 & 20-degrees Fahrenheit for one to two months.

    I use NAPA-Cool, and my radiator never “slushes.”

    I believe that the PAMCC recommended the use of 50% solution of ETOH & H2O.

    I check my coolant level every start-up during months of operation and change the coolant every two to three years.

    I have no environmental concerns.

    My experience with using traditional antifreeze in the “non-pressurized” radiator of my Series 80, was that it FOAMED, and then began being sucked out of the radiator via the overflow pipe.

    That essentially reduced the amount of coolant in my radiator by 30% to 50%.  Thrilling!

    If you have a pressurized system in your ’31, then regular antifreeze may not be a problem.

    There are also non-toxic, environmentally-safe coolants on the market for Marine use, etc.

    If you are really worried, a properly placed heating pad might allay your concerns.

    I hope that this information helps.


    in reply to: Demo of Proposed New Message Board Host – AACA #425486


    Thank you for your input, however I prefer the flame-thrower approach to getting things stirred up.


    in reply to: New Pierce Arrow owner #425482


    Welcome to the Pierce-Arrow Society.

    You bought a truly lovely vehicle.

    I was going to suggest that if you need hands-on assistance, I may be able to help, but then I realized that Marlborough is almost 2-hours from my home in Hampton Falls.

    Regardless, if you feel the need, I will be happy to be of assistance for a day.

    You can always reach me by telephone or email for consultation, etc.

    I am confident that there are many PAS members in New England who would be happy to be of assistance, and even ONE GUY from Holly, Michigan who seems to travel the country assisting members with serious mechanical work.

    Isn’t that right, Greg?



    in reply to: Demo of Proposed New Message Board Host – AACA #425481


    My previous rant here is deleted because it only heightens the angst associated with this topic.

    However, I think the need for this entire exchange should not be necessary, but apparently, it is necessary, if for no other reason than to solicit individuals’ opinions.




    in reply to: Demo of Proposed New Message Board Host – AACA #425442

    My previous rant here is deleted because it only heightens the angst associated with this topic.

    However, my question remains, why do we need to deal with this turgid discussion on the “wonders” of the AACA website?

    in reply to: Demo of Proposed New Message Board Host – AACA #425219

    Perhaps the current website designer, who the PAS paid a lot of money to create our website, needs to fix this website instead of the PAS Website Development Committee suggesting that we flee to an association with the AACA website.

    I do not want to be so associated / connected, even if I am a member of the AACA.

    Fix it, don’t flee.


    in reply to: Jittery screen on forum? #425159

    I have the same experience each time I click on to a Message Board posting, but it only occurs until I scroll, and then it stops.

    Then, the next time I look at a posting, WHAM, JITTER & then it STOPS JITTERING!

    I thought it was my MackBook Air

    in reply to: King-Seeley Gas Gauge #425137

    It is far easier to just top-off your gas tank each time you go for a drive than it is to get a K-S gas gauge to work properly.

    The K-S gas gauge is why God created electric gas gauges.

    in reply to: King-Seeley Gas Gauge #425121

    The WD-40 Solution, that is, the Red Tube that James mentioned, is the foolproof method.

    I bought the kit with the new brass tube, ran it forward to my gauge, installed the fluid with a full tank of gas and then became frustrated when it did not work.

    Later, I considered the WD-40 solution, but have yet to install it.

    Now, I just fill up before any significant drives.

    BTW, I believe that Chris Diekman knows how to properly install the K-S system and make it functional.

    Good luck on your quest.


    in reply to: New Member / New Pierce-Arrow Owner #424522


    I understand that 91 /93 octane fuel (Premium) does not separate / degrade as do the Regular (87) or Mid-Grade (89) gasolines.

    The higher octane gas does no harm to a Pierce-Arrow engine.

    Below, I post a link to a SUNOCO article on Fuel Stability.




    in reply to: Series 81 muffler #424345


    Upon further consideration, I believe that i took my pipes to a local muffler shop and they made up the pipes and got me a correct size muffler that worked for my Series 80.


    in reply to: Series 81 muffler #424343

    Contact Waldron Exhausts, they are supposed to be on the Parts &  Services section of this website.



    in reply to: New Message Board Forum and Web Site #423661


    I am just grousing!



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