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The Pierce-Arrow Society Library consists of hundreds of original owner’s manuals, parts catalogs, showroom brochures, blueprints, photographs, and the personal files of some of the leaders of the Pierce-Arrow Motor Car Company.

The Pierce-Arrow Society Library is housed at the AACA Library and Research Center in Hershey, PA. This great facility houses nine other car club libraries. Although housed at the AACA Library, the PAS Library remains the property of the Pierce-Arrow Society.

PAS members are encouraged to avail themselves of this resource. Research requestsExternal Link may be sent to the AACA Librarian. There is a $10 processing fee with each request plus a $30 per hour research fee chargeable in units of 10 minutes at $5.00. AACA members receive 1½ hours per year of free research. PAS members that are also AACA members should indicate so on their request form.

Owner’s manuals for most Pierce-Arrow passenger cars are available to members for free download on this page. Use the search function below to find the manual for your Pierce-Arrow.