Basic instructions on how to use the PAS Bulletin Board


Discussion boards are broken up into logical categories. General, Buy/Sell, Literature & Tools, etc.

Recent Topics

The 10 most recent discussions can be found in the right column.

New discussions

To start a new discussion:

  1. Enter the desired category (General, Buy/Sell, Literature & Tools, etc.)
  2. Click the “Start a New Discussion” button at the top right of the category.
  3. Be sure to add a subject as well as body text.
  4. Be sure to check the radio box next to “Notify me if follow-up replies via email” if you want to get email notices of any responses.

Read or respond to an existing discussions

  1. Enter the desired category (General, Buy/Sell, Literature & Tools, etc.)
  2. Click the title of the discussion you wish to read.
  3. To respond use the “Reply To” box at the bottom of the page.


At the top of the “Reply To” box is a formatting bar. It allows you to format your text (Bold, Underline, Alignment, etc.) as we as undo/redo, and add images.

Adding Images

Click the “Add Images” button on the format bar to get a new dialog box. 

Click the “Folder Search” icon. A window will open that allows you to chose images from your device.

Image Description: Optional

Dimensions: Optional, but I suggest “800” in the first box.

NOTE:  File formats limited to JPG, GIF, and PNG format.  Please try to reduce the file size of your photos to reduce or server storage requirements and to speed up the display of the image.

Print Instructions

Print is unique to each device. From your browser you can typically goto the “File Menu” and choose “Print“.