Reply To: 35 pierce 7 pass 143 chassis Gullwing Car advertised in Astoria

Home Page Forums General 35 pierce 7 pass 143 chassis Gullwing Car advertised in Astoria Reply To: 35 pierce 7 pass 143 chassis Gullwing Car advertised in Astoria


agreed, but like having known who an owner was (as in a celebrity)of a vehicle, it is still judged as a piece of automobile and price should not account for who owned it, but condition. NOW, I do agree that rarity has its place, but I believe a group such as this one should not artificially create demand where there is none an auction…always a fine balance for those who see cars as investments and those who simply appreciate the cars without thought to long term investment potential. One of the great problems, as I see it for any specialist group auto or aircrat…is that while the knowledgeable group appears to be aging as a whole in its membership…how many younger members, like myself…still have to fight the entry fee to even have a project, much less three or four…I tend to lean to the appreciation and enjoyment group and much like old aircraft would like to see the dollars remain manageable for the cars, but not have a group driven/influential in terms of how wealthy an individual member may or may not be..bottom line, I here you that cars in this condition are not likely to come up often..and we should retain as many as possible…but a viable group also needs to take into account not inflating the market for the groups own good and to truly take a realistic approach to a finished product.It is still an enjoyable hobby for most I would hope. I value all opinions and have truly appreciated the insight by the members to date. Thanks for yours also.