1936 Pierce Model 1601

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    My “Motors” manual says it is positive earth (ground). There was a thread on “Turnpike Cruiser, that covered the piston options. Put Turnpike cruiser in the search field.



    John Cislak has a bunch of used pistons, give him a call.


    I used Egge pistons a long time ago in my ’33, and they work fine if you allow about 0.003″ clearance. (We first had 0.0015 – 0.002″ clearance, and they seized).

    In my ’34 I recently used Arias pistons with one less ring groove and shorter skirts – less friction. A little better quality than Egge, in my opinion.


    Bob is right, Aries are the best way to go. Jerry was asking for only 2, so I thought a good used pair would work better for him.


    Bob, out of curiosity, did the Egge pistons have steel inserts for strength like the originals, or were they the replacement style that included lots of extra material around the wrist pin boss to add strength?




    They did not have steel inserts – I think Egge added those later.



    I think the steel inserts are called Invar struts. Egge won’t use that term (I think Chrysler owns the name), but when I asked someone there said that they had them. I would call and ask.


    Good info-thanks gents!

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