This year we will be travelling to San Francisco area, to be more specific to Monterey, CA. (My brother just moved there during this month). So, it would be nice if someone is willing to show their Pierce-Arrow or give a short ride in one
We will be there from 23rd of may to 15th of May.
Hi Mika,
I am in Los Altos, CA, about 70 miles north of Monterey, and would be happy to show you our ’33 and ’34 Pierces, and some engine work on another ’34 engine. There are at least a dozen more Pierces in collections within another 40 mile radius that I think we could arrange to see. I am available after May 19 and could set up your visit. Your message says you will be in CA from May 15 to May 23?
Let me know.
Bob Jacobsen
Director, Northern California Region, PAS
Thanks Bob!
I will send you an email. It shoudl be 23rd of April to 15th of May
Hi guys!
I would really like to thank Bob Jacobsen, Rich Lange, George Teebay and Tony Costa for the amazing day they organized for us, taking us for ride with their Pierce-Arrows !!! I must admit that this was one of the most exciting moments in my life!
And now I should have get motivation to continue work with my ’35 845!
It was our pleasure! We are delighted that you could free up a day to visit with us and talk Pierce-Arrows during your hectic vacation schedule. We’ll be happy to see you all again any time.
Thanks George, I really appreciate it!
I’ll need to post some photos of the full treatment you gave us !
oh, and many thanks for the light bulbs!
We arrived at Bob’s house a little bit late and the guys, Bob, George, Rich and Tony were already waiting for us there. At first I got a glimpse of Rich’s Maroon 1933 12 cylinder Pierce-Arrow! Wow, what a sight, you could just stare at it for hours!
First we went to Bob’s garage and he showed us his jewels. There was this 1931 Pierce-Arrow Convertible Victoria by LeBaron parked in the front, and you can see my astonishment when I walked in the garage
In the back was Bob’s 1933(?) Pierce, that he’s currently working on. There’s some valve seat job ongoing, the color seemed to be great! It’s black!
After a little chat about .. well, Pierce-Arrows, Rich took us for a ride in his 1933!
Here you can see a view of Stanford University campus from the front seat of 1933 12 cyl Pierce!
Here you can see us pushing it because we ran out of gas There was something in ignition timing, and Rich calculated that the gas mileage was app. 5 mpg
After the guys had brought some more gas and we had toured a little bit in the area and eaten a little bit (Thanks Rich!) we dropped Rich’s Pierce-Arrow to his home. Rich showed us his other 2 cars, early 30’s Fords, also the one that he was currently working on.
Doesn’t it look great?? !!!
We switched to Rich’s daily driver and drove back to Bob’s place to notice that there was a 1934 840A Convertible Coupe parked at the front of the house!
Guys were waiting in the front yard except Bob had gone to test drive the 1931 Victoria Conv, and soon we could notice the massive car coming down the road towards us!
It seemed unbelievable in daylight!
But hey, we had a chance to take a ride in it, with Bob on the wheel!
Compared to Rich’s 1933 , I think the 1931 transmission keeps much louder sound than the 1933 I was thinking that maybe they had done some improvements on later model transmission gear teeth ? Does later models have synchronized gears and earlier not ?
When Victoria Conv. was returned back to garage, we switched to 1934 8 cyl Convertible Coupe! My brother Markku and friend Juha climbed to back seat and I got in the front while Bob was doing the driving again! The guys warned that the ones riding in the back might have to get used to the fact that all kinds of bugs will hit your face will on the move.
Well, I think they made it without so much damage on their faces
After we got back, we headed to somewhere in Palo Alto area, where we had a chance to see a larger private collection of …cars..and Pierces
So, I don’t know much about these older models, but here’s couple of photos.
It was HUGE!