Collection of 1832 Model 54 sedan parts (no drivetrain)

Home Page Forums Buy/Sell Collection of 1832 Model 54 sedan parts (no drivetrain)

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  • #391809

    LEAD. Message received offering a large collection of parts from a 1932 Model 54 sedan for sale as a group. Drive train and axles missing but sounds to be otherwise largely complete. Inquire of Tom Fennimore at [email protected] or 434 349-9111. He can supply list of parts and list of what is missing.


    Sorry for misprint — it is of course 1932, not 1832.


    Arnold, I copied and pasted the ’[email protected] and it got kicked back as ‘undeliverable’..

    Can you check on that email address please?


    Greg Long


    If it’s the car in Texas, I probably have photos taken two months ago. I’m overseas now, but will try and post them when I get back.


    I spoke with the guy that owns this car. It is a 5 passenger sedan model 54. Very rusted out but some items are in ok shape. The body has been cut just behind the front doors, the previous owner was going to make it a truck. No drive train and front and rear axle. He owner wants to sell the car and not part it out and the car is in pieces.


    I have had some photos sent to me of this car. I don’t think the seller’s idea that it was cut in half to make it into a pickup is right. The body is cut in the wrong place, and the center door post that would be required to latch the doors into is behind the line where the body was severed.

    To me, the car or what remains of the car looks like the very well-picked-over remains of a parts car. The body was probably cut in half to make the body easier to move and store..

    Every single item that would have been chrome is gone, with the exception of two ‘T’ shaped window handles in the back. The dashboard as well as the instrument panel is gone, as well as the windshield frame,

    Simply put, virtually every part that is usually missing or in need of replacement on a car undergoing a restoration is missing from these remains..

    If a person was able to find the pickup-truck full of jewelry, and smaller parts that were removed, that stuff would be worth pursuing.

    Greg Long


    Not the car I looked at. Ed


    He does have a few parts that might be of interest to someone. He will provide the list and I will post that when he does.

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